Part 21 - Our son

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Sans was playing with his son, baby Allegro. He had only been in this world for maybe a couple of months.
They named him after the font Allegro, but it has a double meaning because allegro means a quick, lively tempo.

They just got to take him home, and (Y/N) was taking a nap.
Allegro looked up from the floor, his binky in his mouth.
His sleeves were a little long on him, but it was adorable.

His hair was white with a blue tent to it, and some of it was shaved

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His hair was white with a blue tent to it, and some of it was shaved. He had his dad's eyes and magical ability, mixed with (Y/N)'s human body. His skin was pure white, with his dad's blue blush. Most likely because of the magic.
He was a little chubby, but that was normal for babies.
He was wearing his dad's scarf for today, because he always seemed the happiest in it.

Blueberry smiled and picked up the baby. "You have your dad's good looks, you know." He poked the baby in the belly, which made him giggly.
"There's no doubt about that." (Y/N) said tiredly as she walked into the room. Being a new mom was hard.

"Aw you put your scarf on him." She walked over to them and gave them both a kiss on the forehead. "Both of you are so handsome." She giggled.
Blue blushed slightly, and handed her the baby. "You're very gorgeous, you know." He crossed his arms. "Don't forget that."

Papyrus, panicked, walked through the door with baby Calibri crying profusely. "He won't stop crying, and I don't know what to do. Metta isn't here."
Blue took the baby from his arms, then placed him in (Y/N)'s other arm. She was now holding both babies.

Calibri immediately stopped crying, and cooed happily at his aunt. She smiled, then laughed at Papyrus. "You're son likes me more than you."
She then grinned widely. "Both of them like me the most."
Both Papyrus and Blue gasped. "MY son doesn't like you more than me!" Blue said.
"Yeah and mine doesn't either!" Papyrus tried not to laugh. Blue was the only one who was actually offended.

Baby Allegro reached out for his dad after taking out his pacifier, and to everyone's surprise, he said "Da-da!"
This made everyone get quiet, and as soon as Blue picked up the baby, he said that same word over and over again with a big grin on his face. "B-But babies normally aren't supposed to say their first word until they are six months old..." Blue stuttered, holding his son close.

"Magic I guess..." (Y/N) said softly, amazed.
Allegro said it again, "Da-da?" He tilted his head slightly.
Blue started crying and hugged him tightly. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, MY PRECIOUS CHILD."
(Y/N) laughed slightly, and handed Papyrus the baby back, since he had fallen asleep.

A couple hours later, they were now racing the babies.

"GO CAL I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!" Papyrus yelled as the babies crawled towards (Y/N), who holding candy to entice them.

Calibri stopped and fell asleep, his head and stomach on the ground but his butt in the air. Allegro didn't stop, and won the race, getting to enjoy the sweet butterscotch candy.
This was a mistake.

The baby started to vibrate almost, and began crawling almost everywhere so fast, you almost couldn't see him.
Blue sighed, and (Y/N) laughed. "He gets so much from you, hun."

Papyrus yelped as he felt him crawl up his back.
He crawled into his hood and passed out. Papyrus just looked scared because there was a BABY IN HIS FUCKING HOODIE HOOD.

(Y/N) rushed over and grabbed her baby. She put him in his crib in her room and soon Papyrus left and did the same with Calibri.

(Y/N) sighed heavily, and plopped on the couch.
Blue smiled and sat next to her exhausted form. "You okay?"
She smiled back and nodded. "Just pretty tired." She sat up just to climb onto him and plop down, her stomach on his lap.

He chuckled, and began to lightly rub her back. "Is this your way of asking me to give you a back massage?"
She narrowed her eyes. "Maybe. I did carry your child for like 9 months!"
"True, true." He began to rub her back. There were many pops and groans from her, since her back was like fuuuuucked up. It hurt all the time like jesus. Fucked up back.

She turned back over so her back was now on his lap. "You wanna take a nap? I haven't had one of those in a while since we had Alle."
"You know what? For once I think I might take you up on that offer."
She got up, but before she made her way to the door, Sans turned her around. "But first,"
He caressed her face and kissed her.
She smiled and kissed him back, slowly putting her arms around his shoulders.

He pulled away. "Haven't gotten to do that for a while either."
She scoffed and smacked him in the shoulder. "You stole a kiss from me!" She smiled slightly. "Oh come on, I could steal a lot more than kisses and you know it."

And with that he walked into the bedroom and shut the door without another word.


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