Part 3 - Where am I?

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I hear voices... "IS THE HUMAN OK UNDYNE?" That sounds like Sans... I like his voice...

"S-She'll be f-fine Sans... P-Papyrus how d-did this happen?" I wonder who this is...

"Well she was just standing there, she shivered like crazy, then passed out!" Papyrus?

"H-How long has s-she been out in the c-cold?" "Um... about an hour and a half? Yeah hour and a half..." I was out in the cold that long?

"WELL SHE PROBABLY PASSED OUT FROM THE COLD BROTHER!" "I-If she did we n-need to warm her up..."

I hear some shuffling then feel a blanket over me. "T-Thank you..."

"O-Oh your awake?" "Mhmm" I snuggled up to the blanket and smiled.

"Hee hee brother her smile is very pretty..." I heard Sans yell whisper to Papyrus and I blushed and opened my eyes.

"OH (Y/N) YOU HEARD THAT?!" I saw Sans face become blue like a blueberry.

"Wow Sans you like my smile? And you look like a blueberry!" "U-Um I guess... BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A TOMATO!"

"Really Sans?" I guess I should've saw that one coming... "Good one bro! I'm so proud!" Dang it Papyrus don't encourage him! I scrunched up my face in anger.

"Papyrus I swear..." "Hey (Y/N) this is Undyne and you are at me and Sans' house." "Oh" I look down to see that I am on a couch.

"O-Okay I have to g-go now, bye." "BYE UNDYNE!" "Bye." "Bye it was nice to meet you Ms.Undyne." Undyne left and my stomach started to rumble.

"Hey I'm hungry! Do you have food???" "*GASP* I WILL MAKE YOU TACOS HUMAN!!!!!" I giggled as Sans ran into the kitchen.

"Hey Sans I don't really like-" "Psst (Y/N), I wouldn't do that if I were you or else your going to have a B A D T I M E..."

He just scared me shitless... And now I'm crying thanks a lot you dick. Just cause I don't like tacos you get to do that? HELL NO! And I didn't say any of that out loud cause he would kill me.

"Woah kiddo I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry..."

"PAPYRUS WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE HUMAN?!" I hugged Sans while crying into his shoulder.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Sans can be quite when he wants to be. "I-I am okay Papyrus just scared me is all."

"WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING BROTHER!" "I didn't mean to..." Papyrus looked guilty.

"It's okay Paps, Sans, I'm okay... But uh Sans do you wanna make something else than tacos with me?" Paps looked angry...

"OKAY HUMAN WHAT DO YOU WANT TO MAKE?" Paps looked very confused and surprised all of a sudden.


Hey what do you want you and Sans to make? Comment down below!

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