Part 6 - Home

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After we ate, we went back home. Home? I don't live there right? I live on the surface right? I don't know... I'll just call it home for now...

"OKAY! So now we are here, let's go to my room and do whatever people do on dates!" I blushed.

"Okay now that I hear myself, that sounded wrong!" "Yes, yes it did..." We went into his room.

"Do you have any board games?" I'm really good at board games! "Yeah I do! Monopoly or Sorry?"

"Monopoly takes too long so Sorry!" "Okay!" I am best at Sorry too! 😈

We played that for hours until... "I WIN!!" "Good job (Y/N)!" Papyrus teleported in. "Yeah good job." Papyrus signaled me "I'm coming for you" Papyrus teleported downstairs.

After that we went to sleep.


Papyrus' eye was glowing and he was plotting revenge on (Y/N).


"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)! I am 17, single, and obsessed with Undertale and it's AUs...
I have two brothers, one sister, and mom and dad. My best friends name is Alice
(A/N: drinkard123 😏) and that's about my life in a nutshell..."

I explained to the person who identified themselves as "E R R O R" "Why did you bring me to the anti-void? Omg I can't believe Undertale is real! *fangirls*"

"I aM gOiNg To ErAsE yOuR mEmOrY aNd PuT yOu In OnE aU. cHoOsE." "But what about my family and friends?" "ToO bAd. YoU hAvE nO cHoIcE!"

"Underswap." "OkAy!"

*Dream/flashback end*

I screamed and started crying. "(Y/N)! It's okay it was just a nightmare!" "My friends... My family... I'll never see them again..."

I cried into Sans' shirt. "I have no idea what you are talking about but (Y/N) please calm down..."

*To Be Continued*

Underswap Sans x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now