Part 11 - I need to talk to you...

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Papyrus walks in. "Hey (Y/N), I know it's not the best time but I need to talk to you..." "Okay?" I hopped out of bed and followed Papyrus out side. Metta has left by now.

Once we were outside Papyrus asked me something. "When are you going to reset?" "What?" "You heard me. When. Are. You. Going. To. Reset." "Never!" "How can I trust you..."

"I don't know but you just haft to!" "Sure kid." (Note the sarcasm) "*Sighs* I love Sans with all my heart. I would rather die and never come back then reset. You should trust me by now but... I guess I'm just not trust worthy."

I go towards the door. "(Y/N)..." "Save it." I go upstairs to Sans room and I slammed the door.

"What's wrong my tomato?" I giggled at him being adorable. "Nothing my blueberry." "Come here." He motioned his hand to between his legs. I sat there and he cuddled with me.

"(Y/N)... Don't hate me but... I went through your phone and... I went on wattpad and... What's a lemon?" I felt my face go on fire. "You didn't read any of the stories did you?"

"No... Just the one you wrote of you and me and..." Oh god kill me now. "I think they are adorable and my favorite part was when we got married." "Oh Sans... your so sweet!" I kissed him.

"Well you taste even sweeter." He had a goofy smile on his face. "Hey Sans? Wanna go shopping?" "Sure! The magnificent Sans would love to go shopping with you! MWEHEHEHEHEH!" I started laughing my ass off.

"Your just too cute! You know that?" He blushed. "Oh shush you..."

*Time skip*

When we got to the store I got one cute
(F/C) open shoulder shirt, and a blue sweater. I also got a pair of jeans, sweatpants, and slacks. I got some snow boots too. And lastly of corse I got some chocolate. Sans got some clothes too.

We got some food at Muffet's on the way back. "Hey Papyrus..." Awkward... "Sans... Can we just get our food and go?" "I don't understand... But ok." We got our food and headed home to eat it. We walked inside and put our bags on the couch.

We sat at the table. "Man this is good but it's greasy..." "So what? It's good and that's all that matters." "But... grease!" "Shh..."

"Hey (Y/N)? I got you a present at the store..." He haded me the gift. "Oh Sans... You shouldn't have..." I open the gift and it was a blue scarf. Just like his. "*Gasp* Sans! It's just like yours! I love it!" I hugged hit with all my might.

"And I love you! *boop*" He booped my nose... how cute. "I love you too! *sniff* it's just so *hic* thoughtfull..." "Why are you crying?!" "I'm pmsing! *sniff* What do you expect?!" He wiped my tears away.

"Well I don't like to see you cry... Even if it's tears of joy!" "That's so sweet!" I bear hugged him.

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