Part 17 - Lemon

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BTW we are going to pretend that one lemon-ish thing that happened a while ago never happened, I deleted it anyway.

I woke up next to Blueberry, he was just looking at me. "Why are you looking at me? *Giggle*" "YOU JUST AMAZE ME WITH YOUR BEAUTY!" I blushed. "You amaze me with your every thing! Your so adorable and at times incredibly handsome, you can cook amazingly, and your oddly strong! Your just so magnificent!"

He sat up, got in top of me, and kissed me. Roughly. "Not as magnificent as you!" "*Le gasp* You really think in more magnificent than you?" "OF COURSE
(Y/N)!" "Sorry cutie but thats impossible, you're the Magnificent Sans... I'm just 'the human (Y/N)'..." He kissed my nose. "Well I think your magnificent!"

I kissed where his nose would me. He kissed my cheek, I kissed his cheek bone. Then he kissed my neck. I didn't expect so I suddenly moaned. "(Y/N)! Did I hurt you?!" "N-No..." "Then why did you make that noise?" "Let me show you..." I kissed his 'neck' and he moaned, he then covered his mouth.

"What was that? And why did what you did feel so GOOD?" I giggled at his innocence.
"Sorry I don't know how to explain that, it just does. And that noise you made was called a moan and you make it when you experience pleasure." "OOOOHH... Can you do it again?" I giggled again then kissed his 'neck' again. Again, he moaned.

I kissed down it until I got to his battle body then I took it off of him. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?!" He covered himself with a pillow. "Trust me..." He took the pillow off of him then I took of my shirt, now being in my underwear since I don't sleep with pants on. Blueberry blushed a bright blue.

I kissed one of his ribs while running my fingers through the others. "*Moan*
(Y/N)... That feels SOOO good..." His voice was deeper, full of lust, it was so sexy. I got up really quick to lock the door just in case. Then ran back to Blueberry, pulling down his pants.

He noticed the boner he had and grabbed the pillow he had but I stopped him from covering himself. "It's okay right now, but only right now and when we are doing this okay?" "O-Okay..." He was basically shaking in lust. I gently traced his length with my fingers through his underwear. *D-Don't tease me! Please~ Ah~!" I pulled down his underwear, he quite big for such a small blueberry.

I licked along his dick until I decided to put the tip in my mouth. "A-AH~!" "*Muffled* You like this huh~?" He nods, paralyzed from pleasure. I put another inch and another until Sans grabbed my head bobbed it along his length. He moaned. what I couldn't fit in my mouth, I rubbed with my hand.

When he was about to cum, I stopped. He whined. "W-Why did you stop?!" "It's not time yet." "Have you ever done this before?" "Nope, I just watch waaay to much porn and read waaaay to many lemons." "I don't know what either of those things are..." I took of my bra. "Hey blue?" "*Blushes* Y-Yes?"

"Could you take my underwear off me?" "Sure." He bent down and pulled them off. I was soaked. "What is this wet stuff?" He rubbed his finger along my slit and I moaned. "You know how when you were just with me, you were wet down there? Well that's how it is for me, but my 'privates' are different from yours." "Oh..." I sit down on the bed spread my legs, his dick twitches.

I pointed to my opening. "This is wear you stick that." I pointed to his dick. "And this-" I pointed to my clit. "- you can lick it, like a popsicle or candy." He leaned down and starred at my vagina. He stuck out his tongue and licked my clit. "*Moan* G-Good..." He kept doing it over and over until I came.

"What is this?" He stuck a phalange into my vagina and examined my cum. I moaned. "It- Ah~ - means your doing good." "Oh gosh, the Magnificent Sans can't take it anymore! Can I please give into my lust?!" "Yes just please follow my instructions." He nods. I had prepared for the day we finally did it about when things got really serious so I bought a condom at a store. IM NOT GETTING PREGNANT THIS YOUNG! I put the condom on his member.

"Put it in slowly"

He slowly inserted himself into me and he moaned and tears streamed down my face from the pain. "G-Give me a minute to adjust please Sans." He nods again clearly encased with pleasure and lust. The pain fades and I feel the need for contact. "Move." And the one word he wanted to hear, he instinctively thrusted in and out, over and over.

I have to say that it felt better than master bating. X3 He grunted and I moaned when he stopped and pulled me on him, cowgirl style. I bounced on him and he thrusted into me, causing a nice rhythm. "(Y/N)! I'm about to-" "M-Me too!" And as I came, I felt his cum fill the condom.

He fell on the bed the I fell in top of him. "Sans? Can you carry me to the bathroom and he take a bath together?" "Sure."

*Time skip brought to you by sin!*

We both just got out of the bath and I was sitting in the counter, blow drying my hair as he was still getting dressed. I was sore so he carried me to the bed but Papyrus was already there... Sans sat me in the bed and understood he shouldn't be here so he walked out and went downstairs.

"Why does the room smell like sweat and sex? And why is there a condom on the floor? And why can't you walk? ... You didn't take him to the bone-zone did you?" "So what if I did? He started it by kissing my neck! Then I had to explain why I moaned and he asked me to kiss his neck so he would understand why and then-" "Enough! it's fine! At least you told me the truth but... TMI!"

Sans came back in as Papyrus left and me and Sans fell asleep and we cuddled.

So I'm thinking in ending this book, should I? drinkard123

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