Part 19 + 20

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Okay so fucking fuck I can't believe I deleted the part.
So it went something like this, I think a month passed and (Y/N) left Blue's house and made her way to Toriel's castle.
Papyrus judged her and approved of her, and told her he knew she was pregnant
Toriel refused to fight her because she didn't want to harm the baby
After a bit more drama and really confusing shit for me they ended up out of the underground
I don't remember if that's where I ended it or not but I'm so mad right now

Now let's continue:

It's been a few months since they left the underground, and (Y/N) had started to show. She was around 4 months pregnant now.
Currently she was falling asleep on Blue as they were watching a tv show.
He still didn't know she was pregnant, and honestly thought she was just gaining weight. He loved her and didn't mind. There was just more of her that he could love, right?

Sans' POV

She had fallen asleep which seemed to be more difficult for her.
I hugged her softly and pulled her on top of me, cuddling her. I turned off the TV, looking at her gorgeous face.

I gently caressed her face, kissing her on the forehead. I whispered to myself, "How was I so lucky to of met a human as magnificent as you?"

I sat up and lifted her up as I brought her to the bed of our apartment. Papyrus lived in the one next to us with Metta. I laid her down, putting the blanket over her. I then walked to the other side of the bed, laying next to her.
I put my arms around her, and fell asleep.

3rd person's POV

(Y/N) woke up feeling very queasy. She got out of the bed, first wondering how she got there. She then ignored the thought as she rushed to the bathroom.
She had morning sickness AGAIN. She had been getting it every day this week. She can stand it for her baby though.

Blueberry woke up at the feeling of her getting up. "...(Y/N)?"
He got out of the bed, his face sympathetic at the noise of her sickness.
He thought she was getting sick, as she had been puking a lot lately.

She heard the door open and turned to him. "O-Oh sorry for waking you."
He smiled slightly. "Are you okay? I'm worried about you." He got some toilet paper, handing to her to wipe her mouth with.
She did that and threw it into the toilet, flushing it.

"...I'm fine I promise." She was too worried to tell him about her pregnancy. She thought that he would get to scared of being a dad and leave.
He sighed, his smile leaving his face. "I'm going to take you to the hospital. I don't know much about humans but I know puking almost daily isn't normal.
...I think."
He took her hand. "Come on let's get dressed."

She frowned, but complied.
She changed into a t-shirt, jacket, and sweatpants. It was a little cold out.
Blue had added more clothes to his little collection lately, but always wore his scarf. It was his father's before he died, and before his mom went insane.
He had put on a cute little blue and grey sweatshirt and his black pants. He did keep on his boots though.

He brought her to his really cool blue sports car that Papyrus bought him as a present.
He opened the door for her, and smiled as she got in. He went to the other side and got in as well, turning the car on.

He turned on the heat, knowing she was probably cold. He also turned on some music, humming along to one of his favorite songs that happened to play.
He drove her to the nearest hospital, which was only maybe 10 minutes away.
He parked the car, took off his seatbelt, and smiled at her before getting out.
She got out too, walking with him into the hospital.
She had medical insurance with the job she had, which was the job she had before falling into the underground, a barista at Starbucks.

In the hospital, the doctor noticed the problem, and had her get an ultra-sound on the maternity floor.
They concluded she was 17 weeks pregnant, and they even knew the gender.
Sans looked at the doctor, then at (Y/N). "You're pregnant?" His eyes were wide.
She nodded. "...yes."

He quickly hugged her, though it was gentle as to not harm the baby.
She was surprised and hugged him back tighter than he was hugging her.
He had started to cry, and she looked worried.
He whispered. "I'm so happy."
This made her burst into happy tears. "I am too."

The doctor smiled. "Would you both like to know the gender?"
Blue pulled away. "O-Oh of course."
He turned back to her and wiped away her tears.
She pressed her face against his hand.

The doctor pointed at the ultrasound. "You're having a little boy."
Blue grinned. "A boy?" He gave (Y/N) a quick kiss. "We're having a boy!" She giggled. "I guess we are!"
He rubbed her belly softly. "I'm gonna be a dad, oh my gosh." She put her hand on his. "Yeah heheh."

She was so relieved that he was happy.

After that they went home and Blue called everyone he'd ever known, telling them about the fact he's gonna be a dad.
Papyrus was know there, and they talked about the face he was gonna be an uncle to a baby boy.

While they talked, she had fallen asleep.


"(Y/N) wake up!"

Her eyes fluttered open, groaning as she sat up. She was 9 months pregnant and she looked down. Did she pee herself? She then felt a sharp pain, and groaned loudly.
Blue had taken classes and he was prepared for this. He even made a little go bag.
He grabbed the bag and helped (Y/N) into his car. He drove her to the hospital.
Papyrus had teleported there as they got there.

Blue had texted him.

She was having extremely painful contractions and was rushed into a room.
She was already 7 centimeters dilated.

Blue was rushed out, as well as Papyrus.

Papyrus had requested him to not be in the room with her while she gave birth and (Y/N) agreed.

The doctor came out.

"Is she okay?! Is the baby okay? It's been 2 hours!" He had tears in his eyes and was really worried.

The doctor smiled, "Come see for yourself." The doctor brought Sans into the room and he started to cry as he put his arms around his sweetheart, his child in her arms.
(Y/N) was covered in sweat and was crying.
In her arms was a baby. He had thick hair for a baby, and looked like a human.

"What are we going to name him?" She looked at him.

~To Be Continued!~

allegro- adv. In a quick, lively tempo

I'm thinking of naming him thisI'm also taking suggestions!Have a good day! - Love, Author

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I'm thinking of naming him this
I'm also taking suggestions!
Have a good day!
- Love, Author

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