Part 13 - If I had superpowers...

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"Sans..." "He's fine..." "I wouldn't be so sure." I turned around and error was there... The one that made me come here! "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" "Buddy... what did you do with my bro?..." Papyrus' eye glowed orange. "Oh me? I didn't do anything! Honest!"

"Heh okay let me rephrase that-" He slammed error into a tree. "- Were. Is. My. Bro." "Well he's dead by now... Frisk should've killed him." "WHAT?!" I stayed quite because I was in shock. Papyrus then teleported me to where Frisk and him fight in the story.

"SANS?!" "HELLO?!"
But nobody came
"Oh god... *sob* were is my boyfriend, my best friend, my everything..." As I looked into the distance I saw blue on the ground...
His scarf...
I ran as fast as possible to it but... I found his dust...

"No... No. NO!" I screamed no so loud I though my lungs would shatter... "Load your save... NOW." "O-Okay..."

Reset or Continue

I loaded my save file.

"Can't... *gasp* Breath..." "Sans... Come with me!" Papyrus teleports in and teleports us both to the secret place in waterfall. "Papyrus... (Y/N)... What's going on?"

*One Long Explanation Later*

"I still don't fully understand but... I trust you both..." "Thank you Sans... Do you remember anything?" Papyrus stayed quiet through all this. "Usually whenever I saw 'visions' or whatever they were, I would of thought they were nightmares because I would always wake up in my bed."

"Sans, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You too Paps." "Sans I just can't believe you remembered at all... I thought I was the only one..."

"Sans... I found your scarf and your dust and..." "(Y/N) I'm fine!" "Just... Let me hold you..." I held Sans for as long as I could. I would hug and hold and kiss him forever if I could. I guess I saved him huh? I cried into his shirt and he comforted me.

"I love you..." "I love you too..."
(I'm about to cry...)
"How cute... It's repulsive." "WHY NOW ERROR?!" "Your a glitch and I have to get you out of this time line." "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO PUT ME IN HERE!"

"I only put you here because you were a glitch in the original timeline, but now you are seriously interfering with this one. So long story short I'm just gonna erase you, glitch."

"Mweh... Hehehe... I think your mistaken friend... No one can hurt my (Y/N)..."


Underswap Sans x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now