Part 18 - The morning after (another lemon + super cute fluff)

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(Okay. It's been a while and my style of writing has changed because of roleplays... XD
Don't ask)
(Also, this chapter is dedicated to @Captain_Bluez13 )

She slowly opened her eyes, waking up. She looked over at Sans, who was still asleep. She smiled and kissed his forehead.

She sat up and stretched, yawning. Sans opened his eyes, also waking up. "Oh... Good morning, (Y/N)." He rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Good morning Sans." She smiled wider. "What do you want to do today?" He sat up, "Um... Maybe we can go out then you can meet some of my other friends!" He grinned excitedly.

"You're other friends...? Like who?" Her smile faded slightly as she remembered the Alphys situation a while back.

"Oh like, Alphys, Undyne, and um... well... I sort of know the queen. I AM the magnificent Sans after all!" He put his hands on his hips.

"I would love to meet them." She booped where his nose should be. "Now I need to get dressed, Sansy." She got out of the bed.

Blue couldn't help but stare at her. He knew that he was gonna ask her to do that thing again tonight. He was confident she would say yes.

She blushes, noticing him staring. "Blue stahp don't be a sin-namon roll." She shook her head as she put on some clothes. She wasn't the same size as Blue, of course, so she couldn't wear any of his clothes. She just put her clothes back on.

He noticed this. "Um... (Y/N) we can buy you some new clothes if you'd like."
A) -squealed loudly. "We get to go shopping?! Oh my goodness I haven't went shopping in so so so long!"
B) -groaned softly. "Do we have to? I don't have the best experiences in shopping... I'm fine just staying in these clothes, Sans."
C) -shrugged. "I mean I guess we can. I don't mind either way."

He smiled at her. "We're going." He put on his clothes after politely asking her to look away.

After everyone was decent and clothed, they left the house.
Sans was prepared though! He had, CEREAL BARS!!

"You know, (Y/N), even though we didn't have time to make BREAKFAST TACOS, breakfast is still important! That's why I, the magnificent Sans, brought cereal bars!!!!" He was overly excited as he handed her one of the cereal bars.
(Any kind you'd like)

She giggled and lightly kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, Blue."
They had an odd conversation as they ate their cereal bars. "Wait So Papyrus NEVER cleans up his socks?!"

"Never!! I don't know why. Maybe he was dropped as a child?"
This caused (Y/N) to start laughing really hard. So hard that Blue started to get worried.

"Um... (Y/N)... it wasn't THAT funny." He lightly put his hand on her shoulder, actually concerned.
She wiped a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry I'm sorry that was just so funny."

They arrived at a shop and he was being as adorable as ever.
He was running around and grabbing different types of clothes for her to try on. She was stuck in the dressing room because he kept having her try on different things. Each time he saw her put something on he would say it was the cutest thing ever. Every. Single. Time.

They ended up buying around 6 different outfits for her because Blue couldn't make up his mind.
After they brought that stuff back home and she changed into these thicc pastel blue leggings that Blue INSISTED on her getting and a black sweater that she liked. She also had on one of Blue's extra scarfs because D U H.

Once they were done with that and he finished praising her for her taste in leggings, (-__- boi), they walked over to Alphys' house.
Both Alphys and Undyne were there.

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