Part 12 - I... Died?

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"Can't... *gasp* breath..." "Oh sorry!" *CRASH* "HEY SANS! READY FOR TRAINING?!" "..." "..." "... Is that a human?" "No she's a... rock?" "No! Um a cactus!" I literally made a cactus pose and Alphys looked exactly how she does is the fan art but scarier.

In like two seconds after that happened next thing I knew there was an axe in my stomach. "(Y/N)?... (Y/N)?! ALPHYS WHAT DID YOU DO?!" My soul started to crack as I lost blood. I felt my stomach acid slowly eroding away my insides. It was horrible. "Sans... *cough* I love you." "(Y/N)... I love you too but you don't have to say that cause you will be fine right?... Right?..." My soul was almost completely shattered.

"Sans... That human has the last soul we need to leave this place... This was for the greater good!" "THIS HUMAN WAS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!!! MY LIGHT!!! MY EVERYTHING!!! I was going to marry her and have children with her and love her for the rest of my life..." "Sans... I would of loved to do that with you..." "Oh god... what have I done..."

The pain... Oh god the pain... *Shatter*
"(Y/N)! You can't give up! STAY DETERMINED!"

*Reset* or *Continue*

What? The last time I saved was when Sans gave me the scarf...

I pressed continue.

"Can't... *Gasp* Breath..." "Sans?... I'm so sorry... so so sorry that I left you..." "What are you talking about?" I saw Papyrus teleport in... He grabbed me and teleported me into the woods.

"What the hell happened?! How did you die? I felt your soul shatter." "Alphys came in and put an axe in my stomach... While I was dying... Sans told me he wanted to marry me and have children with me one day." "Well Sans must be really confused and Alphys should be there by now." "Okay... I'll call Sans on my phone."

"Yeah it me."
"Heh Sans in fine... Are you at home alone?"
"No my friend Alphys just busted down the door like a few second after you left."
"*Sigh* Sans can you explain to her that you are dating me so she won't take my soul and stuff?"
"Thank you, I love you."
"I love you too!"

"Well... Papyrus... U Mad Bro?" "What?"
"U Mad Bro?" "Why?" "Don't be upsetti... Have some spaghetti!" "Pffff-Hahahaha!"

Underswap Sans x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now