Part 5 - Um Sans?

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As I woke up I felt an arm around my waist and a hand stroking my hair.

I turned around to see Sans mid-stroke (No he is not having a stroke) and his other arm around my waist. "Um Sans?"

"U-UH... I CAN EXPLAIN!!" "It's alright Blue but you need to be quieter... I have a head ache..."

"Um ok... Hey w-would you l-like to go on a d-date?..." "Of corse!" I snuggled up to him. He blushed.

"Haha blueberry" He pinched my hurt making me blush. "Tomato!" I flicked Sans on his nonexistent nose.

"Perv." He looked offended and got out of bed. "For your information I am not a perv!" "Says the perv who pinched my butt!"

I got out of bed and ran down stairs to wake up Papyrus. "Papyrus! Sans pinched my butt!" "I guess he wants to go to the bone zone..."

*Flash back*

Im on wattpad reading a Underswap Sans x Reader Lemon 😏 (insert le Lenny face) since undertale is my favorite game and I have a huge crush on all Sans au's. I put my phone in my back pocket.
"*Sigh* I wish this was real..." "Be CaReFuLl WhAt YoU wIsH fOr~"

*Flash back end*

Papyrus waved his hand in my face. "Hello? Kid you there?" "O-Oh in Papy I have to go!"

I ran out side to behind the house to cool off since my face was basically on fire. I checked my back pocket and behold, there was an iPhone.

I opened it using the passcode I remember "Blueberry" that was the password! I opened up wattpad to see there was a bunch of lemons and other fanfics and I became interested in one.

I read for about ten minutes until I went back inside.

"Hey (Y/N)! Ready for our date?" "No I still have to get dressed!"

I went upstairs to get dressed. I was almost done but I had to get my shirt on and *click*. The door opened.

I screamed, Sans screamed, Papy came in because of Sans' screams. I covered my self up. They both blushed.

"GET OUT!" I was pretty pissed but at least I had on my bra! They ran out and apologized through the door.


Sorry for a shorter chapter! 😋

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