Part - 10 I love you...

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"Aww... But jokes are the best!" "No they are not!" "Liar!" I booped his non-existent nose. Let's just say... Blueberry turned red. "DON'T BOOP MY NOSE!" 😡 "Chill..." 😐

"You know what Sans..." I purred. "What?" He said that in a husky voice. *Boop* I booped his nose. "(Y/N)!" "MWEHEHEH! Oh wait." "(Y/N)... Did you just use my laugh?..." "Maybe..." "THAT WAS SO ADORABLE!" And I fell asleep. "I love you..." Sans kissed my forehead.


"Sans! Where is (D/N) (Daughter Name) and (S/N) (Son Name)?" "Oh they went outside to play with Papyrus and Metta's kid.

We were all on the surface. All of the monsters and humans got along except for a few humans. Asgore opened a school became a teacher and Toriel was the principal. Undyne spent her time with Alphys and became a famous scientist.

Me and Sans got married and had twins.

*Dream end*

I woke up and smiled at the dream but I was also really hungry. "Sans! Wake up and make me FOOD!!!" "Wha-" "FOOD!!"
"Fine! You don't have to yell!"

*Sans' PoV*

I got out of bed and went downstairs to make (Y/N) some breakfast tacos. I put some scrambled eggs and bacon in a (Waffle or Pancake). I made two. One for me and one for my beautiful (Y/N)!

*(Y/N)'s PoV*

Sans walked in with breakfast tacos and oh my gosh it looked good. He has been improving by using the cookbook I bought him. Once he handed me the taco 🌮 it was gone and in my belly in two seconds.

"Wow..." "Sans that was sooooooo good..." "Well in glad you enjoyed it." Wait... "CRAAAAAAMMMMMPPPPP!!!!" I screeched in pain. "(Y/N)! ARE YOU OK?!" "DO I LOOK OK?!" "... Point taken..."

"Hey wanna hear about this really good dream I had?" "Sure (Y/N)!" "We were all on the surface. Asgore opened a school became a teacher and Toriel was the principal. Undyne spent her time with Alphys and became a famous scientist. Metta and Papyrus got married and had a kid and You and I had twins!"

"First of all: Who's Asgore? And second of all: That's an amazing dream." "Asgore is a monster who helped me through the ruins before you and Paps found me." "Okay cool."

Underswap Sans x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now