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Hi Guys, before I start, I justwanted to thank you for the comments, the likes and the attention yougave me, I opened up my Wattpad today for the first time since Ipublished the story and didn't really expect anybody to read this, soas I saw all those notifications, a big fat smile appeared on myface. Thank you <3

Also I'm really exited to publishthis chapter, cause I really liked how it turned out.

Have fun and stuff.


Carefully Karlie rolled up the brown dough into little balls and neatly placed it on the baking sheet in front of her as she waited for the singers arrival. Another smoke was placed between her parted lips. Even though it didn't really suit her, baking was one of her favorite things to do. It helped her to think about things. Just as cigarettes, she thought, blowing a ring of smoke, which wandered through her room until it touched the whitewall and popped like a bubble.

The model grabbed another piece of dough and began rolling it between her hands. Taylor would probably stay in her room all the time, making it an easy for Karlie to avoid the famous superstar, the model hoped as she placed the newly formed ball on the sheets, pressing it flat with a fork.

She needed to stay busy, come home late and leave the house early to spend as less time as possible with the blonde girl, that was about to move in, she decided placing another piece of dough on the sheets.

A few pieces later, the model was still worried. There where so many things, that could go wrong. What if Taylor found the gun, hidden at the bottom of her wardrobe? What if she found out about the models secret business? About Marco and her other costumers?

What if that put the singer in danger? What if Taylor got hurt and it ended up being Karlies fault?

Angrily the model squeezed the dough-ball she was holding in her hand. She wasn't supposed to worry about the singer.

But there also was the Met Gala. A stupid event to raise money for a stupid museum Karlie gave zero fucks about. And if a boring dinner wouldn't be awful enough, they also had to pretend to be a happy couple which meant that Karlie wasn't allowed to do what she always did: Downing a few drinks and hooking up with the nicest girl in the room.

Sighing she pressed the newly placed ball down with her fork.

She just had to think about the money. It would work out somehow. It were only two months. She could live without sex for two months. And if she couldn't there was still Taylor. She already fell for Karlie once, so why not also for a second time?

Just as she was about to place the final dough-ball on the sheet in front of her, the model got interrupted by the doorbell signaling Taylor Swifts arrival.

The brunette procrastinated facing the singer behind her front door, by placing the dough-filled sheet in her oven, only to get interrupted by the doorbell a second time. Sighing, the model yelled, that she was coming, while she set her oven to the correct temperature.

As the singer rang the doorbell a third time, Karlie finally gave up and opened the door. She crushed the blue-eyed girl in front of her in a big hug, knowing that there were plenty paparazzi outside, trying to get a shot of the two greeting each other.

"Hey honey!",Karlie said with a big smile on her face.

"Hi.", the blonde replied slightly confused.

With a quick motion the model grabbed her wrist and carefully pulled her inside her apartment, only to drop it as soon as they reached the privacy of Karlies living room/kitchen. Two of Taylor's bodyguards were slowly following the fake-couple, big bags in each of their hands, filled with Taylor's stuff. Taylor herself was holding her two cat carriers.

The blonde singer carefully examined the model in front of her. Her blond hair, was in a messy bun and she wore a black sweater and a pair of jeans. Even though she wore something so casual, she still managed to look elegant. The cigarette between her lips, just somehow strengthened the impression.

Taylor decided, that it was probably the model in her showing off.

"What was that for?", she finally asked, her blue eyes wandering around the room.

"The paparazzi, you idiot.",Karlie replied rolling her eyes.

Taylor opened her mouth,ready to reply something nasty, but suddenly changed her mind. This would only make the situation worse. Instead she pointed at the models oven. "You bake?" She seemed surprised.

Did she just tried to small-talk? After all that happened, the model thought to herself. What a dork.

Once again Karlie rolled her eyes. "No, I just randomly put things in my oven."

"I just thought-"

"Baking is not badass enough?",the model finished her sentence. "The badass part is, I don'tshare."

Taylor looked down busying herself with Merediths carrier. Again she didn't know what to reply and just blushed, hoping that her hair hid her with embarrassment filled face. These seemed to become two very long months.


The sound of Karlies footsteps filled the old building. The walls were full of spray paint and most of the windows were either broken or so dusty, that you couldn't look trough them properly. But the important part of this building wasn't the outside. It was the inside.

"Always a solid ten minutes late!", Marco yelled as soon as his eyes fell on the brunette, that was walking towards him. His voice got reflected from the dirty concrete walls making it sound like they was not only one but multiple persons speaking.

Even though the model left her apartment as early as she could, caused by her new roommate, Karlie still managed to be unpunctual. But it wasn't like she cared. Or like the others were allowed to care.

"Do you want me to be more punctual? Then maybe pay me a little more fucking money.", the model spoke earning her a laugh from her customer.

"It seems like you always either have a nasty comment to add or a cigarette to smoke."

"Mostly both." Another laughter from Marco filled the room.

Karlie greeted her partner, who quietly stood next to the club owner. "Hi Josh!"

Josh mumbled a quiet greeting, Marcos presence made him feel uncomfortable. He was quite shy towards strangers, but excellent at maths and running a business. He knew exactly where to invest money in, how to calculate the value of their product and where to get it from. Long story short, Joshua Kushner was an excellent partner. As long as Karlie did all the interactions with other people, at least.

The expression on the brunettes face got serious. It wasn't the time to joke around anymore.

"You got the money?"

Marco gave her a cheap looking brown paper bag, which she handed over to Josh, who quickly counted the money, Marco put inside.

"Everything's fine.",Karlies business partner stated. Marco signaled some of his men tof ollow them with a quick gesture as the three walked towards the end of the depot.

The back was filled with huge shelves. Big bags with 'flour' written on it where placed inside. Most of them actually contained the white powder, but Marco didn't care about them. He cared about the special ones. The one with a red 'M' written on it.And Karlie was willing to give them to him. As long as he paid of course.

"The ones with red M's on it are now officially yours.", Karlie said pointing at the bags, filled with the product, Marco was so desperate for.

He shouted something at his men, who started carrying the bags in his black SUV, who was,as Karlie somehow noticed, similar to the one Taylor Swift was driving around in. Or more got driven around in, since the singer had a personal driver. The model pulled out a new cigarette and placed the white piece between her lips. She didn't wanted to think about it right now, the brunette decided, while lighting her cigarette.

She would offer Josh one too, but he didn't smoke. He also didn't drink or took any other drugs. Actually, it was completely odd, that someone like him worked in a business like this.

She blew some smoke in the air.

He only did this, because Karlie asked him to. They knew each other since high school and she completely trusted him. They knew almost everything about each other. He was at Karlies side, when her family stopped talking to her as she came out to them.She was at his side when his Grandparents died. Over the years they developed the ability to read each other's faces. They knew instantly when something was wrong with the other.

He always liked the model a little to much but that was only another sign, that she could trust him. Another sign, that he wouldn't leave her no matter what.

Her thoughts got interrupted as one of Marcos men suddenly grabbed a bag, that hadn't had a M written on it.

Karlie didn't hesitate and immediately pulled out the gun she was keeping in her purse. "PUT THE FREAKING BACK WHERE IT BELONGS IF YOU DON'T WANT A BULLET MAKING OUT WITH YOUR BLOODY BRAIN!", the model exclaimed, her eyes filled with anger.

The man turned pale and immediately rose his hands, letting the bag, he was holding, fall to the ground.

"S-Sorry Miss!" the man stammered. "My-My Boss told me-"

"MARCO!", the model shouted,her gun still pointing at the man, who was now shivering with fear.

Marco slowly appeared, a confused look on his face."What's the matter?"

"DID YOU TELL HIM TO GET ONE OF THE OTHER BAGS?", Karlie yelled at her customer.

He just started smiling. "Come down. I just wanted him to pick one or two bags of regular flour. Just in case. Didn't I always do that?"

Karlie pulled the trigger. The bullet flew into the wall, just centimeters away from Marcos head.

"Have you stupid piece of shit never heard of asking?", the model said sharply.

"I'm sorry.", Marco replied. "I just thought-"

"It doesn't matter what you think, it only matters what I freaking tell you. Now get your fucking backs together and leave me alone. Jesus Christ."

Marco signaled his still shocked man to do what Karlie just told him and then left, his man following him behind.

Karlie took a deep inhale from her cigarette. Even though he was a little annoying, he was a great customer. He needed it to sell it at his club and always bought a lot of the bags with flour written on it.

But her and Joshs business wasn't about the flour, even though most of the bags contained it. They were just a cover up. The actual product they sold, looked quite similar though.

Yes, cocaine looked a lot like flour, but luckily it was way more valuable.


It was around 2 am and Taylor Swift laid in the bed in Karlies guest room sleeping deeply. Only to suddenly get woken up by a loud terrified scream. Curiously the singer stood up and entered the hallway, worrying wether her "wife" was alright. As she walked towards the models bedroom another scream rang out, causing the hair on her arms to stand up. Carefully the singer opened up Karlies bedroom door and turned the light on.

A crying Karlie laid on her bed, curled up in a ball, shaking. Her blond hair was tousled, her skin covered in sweat. "Karlie?",the singer slowly asked.

"TAYLOR. MAKE THEM GO AWAY.",Karlie screamed, her hands where pressing against the sides of her head.

"Make what go away?", the singer asked worriedly, coming closer to the model.

"The pictures.Please just make them go away. PLEASE!", the model cried,hyperventilating. "PLEASE!"


"DO SOMETHING.", the model screamed, looking like she was in terrible pain.


Taylor assumed tha tKarlie was talking to the pictures in her head not her and remained in her position. "Karlie do you-"

"I DON'T KNOW,JUST FUCKING DO SOMETHING.", the model replied, entirely consumed by whatever was stuck in her mind right now.

"Karlieyou're having a panic attack.", Taylor stated, noticing the symptoms, and carefully sat down on the screaming models bed.

"JUST MAKE THEM VANISH. Make them go away.", she screamed, not listening to the singer. Salty tears streamed down her red cheeks,making her pillow wet.

"Karlie! LISTEN TO ME!", the blonde screamed back which made Karlie shut up. "You're having a panic attack. You need to calm down."

"They're still there. WHY ARE THEY STILL THERE.", the model started screaming once again.

Taylor took the models slender hands, slowly massaging them. "You have to come down. Then they'll disappear."


"Yes you can.", Taylor replied calmly and started to trace the veins on the other girls arms. "I'm here for you."

"I can't.", the model yelled once more.

"Start with breathing more slowly.", Taylor suggested, her fingers were now drawing random lines on the models lower arm.

"They are still there. WHY CAN'T I MAKE THEM DISAPPEAR."

"Just stop hyperventilating, that will make them disappear, I promise."Taylor encouraged her, not lifting her hands from the brunettes arms.

Slowly the model stopped hyperventilating and just continued crying quietly, her hair covering most of her face.

"Better?", Taylor asked, wiping the hair out of Karlies face with one hand, while the other was still drawing the lines.

The model just nodded slowly, her face still red from all the crying and screaming she did.

Taylors fingers continued wandering around Karlies Arms in an attempt to calm her down. After a while the brunettes tears finally stopped, and the singer carefully whipped the remaining tears from her face, her other hand once again drawing lines on the models forearms.

"Ok.",the blonde whispered after a while, slowly getting up to go to her own bed, as Karlie suddenly wrapped her cold fingers around her skinny wrist.

Confused Taylor turned around, her blue eyes facing Karlies green ones.

"Please stay.", Karlie said, her voice shaking. "I can't deal with this again tonight."

"Karlie I don't think I should-"

"Please.", the brunette begged quietly.

The models voice was filled with so much pain, that it sent a shiver down the singers spine. Taylor didn't know if she had ever seen someone so broken. Karlies face showed nothing but pain and the last spark of hope, seemed to be Taylor staying for the night. She looked so broken, like nothing in this world could repair her. No tool would be gentle enough, they would just break her into even more pieces.

"Of course.", the blonde finally whispered. "I'm here for you."


By the way, do you guys want me to write smut? Would it bother you if I wouldn't? I never did before and I'm probably really bad at it, mainly because I'm not native and the vocuabulary you would need for this isn't really the kind you learn at school....But if you really want me to, I'd give it a try.


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