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I won't get enough sleep, because its late  and I have to get up early tomorrow, to say goodbye to my brother, but at least you guys have a new chapter, right? You better enjoy it now...


  Even though she walked on red carpets multiple times a year, Taylor was still overwhelmed each time she had to do it again.

This time she was walking on the carpet of the Met Gala, an event hosted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art to raise money for their costume institute. The gala was divided into two parts. First comes the cocktail hour. It's the time where the guests arrive, walk over the red carpet and eventually tour this years exhibition. After that follows the dinner. They would be seated at huge tables with multiple people, eating the best food in the area, while talking and getting entertained.

Light seemed to come from everywhere, everywhere were cameras tracing every step the singer took. And everywhere were people shouting, screaming, trying to catch her attention to get the perfect photo.

The red carpet of the Met Gala was a huge deal. Every Gala had a specific theme and the guests had to dress suitable for the theme. Each years outfits were highly discussed. Multiple articles were written each time, discussing who wore this years best outfit and who wore the worst.

Taylor tried to look at every camera and give each of them a nice photo of her, but there were simply too many, they seemed to be everywhere, to never stop.

Suddenly she could feel her insecurities creeping up, trying to take control. Out of nothing it felt like she was back in High School, forced to give a presentation. All her classmates looking at her. Her face blushing, her mind going blank. It felt exactly the same.

She didn't like the attention she got. Not at all. As soon as she stepped on the red fabric, the photographers immediately turned their cameras at her and Karlie. Throwing her right out of her comfort zone.

Karlie remained cool, as a model she was used to cameras. But Taylor felt like the brunette wouldn't care if she wouldn't be a model either. It was a part of her personality to give no fucks about her image, she had proven that a couple of times before.

The singers heartbeat started raising and her breaths got more and more unsteady and short. The flashes made her eyes hurt and her vision slowly vanish, while the screams gave her a headache.

She felt her body slowly getting numb, she started to loose the control over her shaking fingers.

Was she getting a panic attack?

Concentrate Taylor, she told herself, only a few meters left.

This was new. She never got a panic attack on a red carpet before, even though she didn't really enjoy them, red carpets were something she could deal with. Normally.

Desperately she grabbed Karlies hand. She didn't care that Karlie thought she only did this for the cameras. She didn't care that Karlie only wrapped her fingers around hers because she got paid 3 million dollars for this action. She didn't care that the model would drop it as soon as the cameras would be gone.

She just needed her to guide her through this, to help her trough this. Even if the model didn't know that this was more than just a stunt to convince the paparazzi of their lie.

She needed Karlies confidence and calmness. She needed the expression on the brunettes face, her face always looked the same in front of cameras. Wether it was at a runaway or in front of her door, she always had the very same look on her face, revealing none of her emotions.

It didn't look unfriendly, it just looked....elegant.

Perfect, a small voice in Taylor's head added.

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