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Have fun!


Karlies slender fingers where tightly gripping the black steering wheel of her car. Her knuckles slowly turned white, caused by the lack of blood in her fingers. Another cigarette was between her lips. She needed it to concentrate.

No feelings, she told herself.

The black wheels of her car screeched as she turned left, almost a second to late, without letting go of the gas. Actually she was to drunk to drive, but she was also to drunk to care.

And to upset, a little voice in her head added, but she got quickly turned down by the furious model.

No feelings, she repeated.

The model deeply inhaled some smoke from the nicotine in her parted mouth. She hoped that it could help her clear her mind.

After Taylor stopped singing it took Karlie only a couple of seconds to realize what just happened. Never had she expected the singer could fall in love with her. It wasn't a part of the plan. As soon as the realization came, Karlie stood up and left the apartment in a hurry.

She may have been overreacting, but she needed to escape the situation as soon as she could, to avoid any feelings to grow. Her plan was to leave without any feelings for the singer. And she had to follow it. No strings could get attached.

She needed some distraction. Distraction from her own thoughts. And she knew exactly where to get it from.

No feelings, she thought once again. Holding herself onto the words like they were her a treasure. She needed them to stay sane. To avoid making a mistake.

The car got parked carelessly at the side of the street without Karlie paying attention to wether or not parking was allowed at that spot in general. Determination filled her steps as she straightly walked through the empty lobby into the elevator, which transporter her to the floor she wanted to be in. A few steps later and she stood in front of the door. Golden letters were on it, telling her the room number.

No feelings.

Swiftly the model crashed her knuckles against the wood of the door as hard as she could. It took the person on the other side only a couple of seconds to open up and give her a surprised smile, which revealed the gap between the teeth, Toni Garrn was known for.

Before Toni could say a word, Karlie stormed in, shutting the door behind her angrily.

"Let's have sex.", Karlie suggested as a greeting and began unbuttoning her blouse.

"What?", Toni asked confusedly, raising an eyebrow.

"We. Sex. Now.", Karlie said annoyedly as she was still working on unbuttoning her top.

"What?", Toni asked again, overwhelmed by the others models sudden appearance.

"Oh don't act like we never did it before.", the American replied annoyedly. They were friends with benefits for a while now. Situations like this had occurred a few times already. Actually not exactly like this, but close enough.

"Well...never like that!"

Karlie let out a groan. "Wheres the bloody difference? Isn't it always the same?"

"For example you're married this time?", Toni suggested.

The American shook her head. "No I'm not." With that she tore the blouse off her chest.

"So Taylor Swift-"


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