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I almost forgot that I had to upload another chapter, oops...


As Karlie opened up her eyes, she found herself laying naked in Toni Garrns bed. The blonde next to her breathed slowly, Karlie assumed that she was still asleep. The taller model decided to use this situation to leave this apartment without any complications. She hated the morning-after. It was a best to avoid it.

The clock next to her told the girl that it was 10:23, the practice for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was starting in three ours. She would find a way to kill the time until then somehow. It wasn't that hard, maybe she could meet up with Josh.

She decided to type him a quick text, asking if they could meet for lunch. She was starving.

Her phone showed her that she had three missed calls, all coming from Taylor. Was the singer worried about the model? Karlie assumed not. She was probably just worried that her family would ask questions. When did the singer ever not think of herself first?

With a quick motion, the phone got laid aside and Karlie started to put on her clothes as quiet as she could to not awake the girl next to her, but before she could finish dressing up Toni opened up her eyes, proving that Karlies assumption from earlier was wrong and her attempt useless.

"Are you leaving?", Toni asked, but before Karlie could reply, the blonde already answered the question herself. "Of course. Why am I even asking? Isn't that what you always do? Running away from you problems, like they would magically disappear?"

The brunette put on her blouse and let her slender fingers close the buttons, one after the other. "Why do you even care? No strings attached, remember?"

This was why she always avoided the morning after. It was always annoying, filled with bad mood, ruining her day even though it only just started.

"That doesn't mean you can continue treating me like a fucking toy! Just to remind you, I have feelings.", the German sounded angry. She hated what their friendship had become. They used to be close once, shared every secret, understood each other. But that changed a long time ago. It was no certain event or at a specific point. It creeped up slowly, with tiny steps, tearing it awfully long.

But it wasn't the only thing that changed. From what Toni felt like, Karlie did too. And she was sure that it wasn't a coincidence. She sensed that the reason their relationship changed, was Karlie changing. The only question left was, why Karlie changed. She could never quite figure that out.

"I can do whatever the hell I want.", the American replied annoyedly and paused closing the buttons of her blouse to look at her opposite angrily.

The blonde threw her head back and laughed sarcastically. "You can keep telling that yourself, but I'm afraid, people around you may not agree with this."

"Why do you even care so much? It isn't like we are close anymore.", Karlie said sharply her eyes glimmering angrily at her opposite.

This statement made Toni feel a pain in her chest, that was so strong, it almost felt like she just dodged a bullet. She clenched her hands into fists as she tried to hold back the tears that made their ways into her eyes. Did Karlie seriously not understand it? How blind could she be?

"BECAUSE I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!", Toni yelled, as soon as the words escaped her lips, the tears started streaming down her freckled cheeks, falling onto the covers, that were still wrapped around her.

She didn't exactly know when it happened, but the more mornings passed where Karlie left her alone, the more heartbroken she got. She always ignored it, knowing that it was the best for their friendship since Karlie seemed to have an irrational fear of bonding. But feelings like this couldn't be simply ignored. They always come back to remind you of their existence until you finally face them.

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