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So actually, that's the last chapter. Sorry that I didn't warn you earlier. Enjoy.


Karlie twisted the little card in her slender hands. It was made out of this fancy uneven paper, that was so hard, you couldn't fold it more than twice. On it were black letters, probably printed in Arial. 

Taylor was the one who had given it to her. On this morning.  Her bag in one hand, the card in the other, right before she left to the studio to record a new song, she had sprinted towards the model, pressing a quick kiss onto her cheek. "Please think about it, okay?" 

Karlie had just nodded and then quietly kissed her goodbye, a small smile on her lips. 

Now she was still sitting on the same stool of Taylor's kitchen island. Her eyes were wandering to the clock on Taylor's microwave. 1:12 pm. It was about time for lunch now and Taylor still hadn't comen back. From previous experiences she knew that those recording sessions could take the whole day, if she got lucky, Taylor would be there before dinner. 

If she wasn't, it would could get really late. The record currently was 3:30 am. Nevertheless Karlie had waited for the singer, partly because she slept better knowing that Taylor was by her side. A lot of things went better with having Taylor by her side. It was a comforting feeling, to know you have someone to cheer you up, someone to believe in you. 

And so Taylor believed that Karlie could get better. And to help her with that, she had given her the number of a therapist. A therapist. She wasn't insane! Neither had she plans to kill herself. She didn't need therapy! 

But on the other hand, Taylor was smart, she always knew exactly what she was doing. Her actions were carefully thought out, she was considering everything twice. And that somehow comforted Karlie. And so Taylor had also known what she was doing when she had handed her that little card. She must have believed it to be the best decision. 

A sigh, escaped the models lips. It probably was the best decision. She should follow it. It was the only thing that made sense, right? What could go wrong? Also she would have made Taylor happy. It was just a phone call, she was used to making phone calls. 

But first she would make dinner. Maybe that would give her some time to reconsider all the options. 

She slowly stood up, opening the giant fridge of Taylor's. It was full of various food items, Taylor had this weird fear of starving or not being able to cook what she wanted. Going to the store wasn't really easy for her, since there were always paparazzi following her around and fans recognizing her. She made a huge deal out of what to wear, because there was always some kind of article written about her and she wanted to keep the possibility of getting negative comments as small as just possible. In other words, going to the store meant a lot of pressure. And even though Taylor had gotten really good at handling it over the years, it still stressed her out, even though she would never admit it.

Therefore the singer rather bought a lot of things at once, keeping the times she had to go out to a limit. Which was also a plus for Karlie, because she could basically make herself whatever she wanted. 

Just as she had got the supplies and made herself ready to chop the vegetables, her phone started ringing in her back pocket. With a swift motion, the girl pulled it out, checking the caller ID. It was no other then her good old friend, Cara Delevingne. 

"Yoooo Karls!", the American got greeted as soon as she accepted the call, causing her to laugh. 

Karlie scrunched her eyebrows together, a small smile had built on her lips. "Are you drunk?" 

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