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Is it just me or does the song "Colours" by Halsey describe this Karlie pretty well?


Pain was the first thing Taylor felt when she opened up her eyes. Her head felt like somebody had used it as a trampoline and her vision was so blurry, she was hardly able to see. The bright lights coming from the ceiling painfully shone into her blue eyes, coloring everything in a white, that was almost painful. 

The next thing she felt was hard plastic scratching at her wrist. As she carefully lifted it, she faced a white bracelet with a sticker on it that spelled out her name and some other words, Taylor didn't quite understand.

"Good morning.", a voice suddenly said, causing the singer to turn her head and look at her right. After blinking a couple of times, Taylor was finally able to identify the person as Karlie Kloss, who was sitting at her left dark rings under her eyes. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing a long coat. 

The singer squinted her eyes. "What happened?", she asked the age old question. 

But it was unnecessary. As soon as the words had escaped her mouth, Taylor felt the memories flooding back to her. One after the other. How she was at the central park with her family. How Karlie had called her. How she was confused, not understand what was going on. She remembered how suddenly her bodyguard, who had been already unusually close to the singer to be able to protect her better, suddenly tackled a man. And the blood. There had been a lot of blood. There had been blood in her hair, on the grass. There was blood on her top, on her skin. And a sharp pain in her shoulder.

She remembered how Karlie suddenly appeared, her face as pale as snow. She rememberd how the model suddenly fell onto the grass next to her and had stopped moving. She remembered how she tried to scream, but nothing came out of her lungs. 

"You were there.", Taylor suddenly said, not paying attention to whether or not Karlie had said something art her question. 

The brunette nodded. "I was there."

"You warned me."

Karlie nodded at this statement as well. "Yeah."

"How did you know?", Taylor finally asked. She could remember the fear in the models voice. She must have known for sure that something was going to happen. But how? 

The brunette shrugged her shoulders. "Someone...warned me.", something about her facial expression had suddenly changed. She had gone into defense mode, her arms were now crossed in front of her chest. 

Taylor rose an eyebrow. "Who?"

This time the model shook her head instead of nodding. "I don't know."

"You are lying.", Taylor concluded. She wasn't able to read it in her face, Karlie was an excellent liar. But it simply didn't make sense. There was no way for a stranger to inform Karlie. Nobody knew her phone number, her E-mail address, except for people Karlie was familiar with. And if somebody would have talked to her directly, the model would have seen her. 

Apart from that, the singer was constantly getting threads. So many, that they simply decided to ignore it. Most of them weren't true anyways. Just people trying to scare her or seek for attention. So how should the model know that this one was different? 

A sigh escaped Karlie lips, loud enough for Taylor to hear. "It's better if you don't know, trust me.", she admitted. 

This caused Taylor to raise her eyebrows. Was Karlie being serious? Someone had attacked her and it was better if she didn't know who knew of that? 

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