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It's a chapter. On a -surprisingly good- Friday! I'm getting better at this.


With a click, Taylor opened up her door and gestured Karlie to step inside. As soon as she faced the singers giant living room, she couldn't help but gasp.

"That's HUGE.", the model said looking around. In front of her was the singers giant living room. The floor was covered with a beige colored carpet, that was so fluffy, that Karlie could easily spend a night sleeping on it. On her left were two couches building an U in combination with the sideboard where Taylor's TV was positioned. The open side of the U faced the kitchen, that was connected with the living room. Two speakers were standing in front of the wall on the opposite of the Flatscreen. Between the sofas was a black couch table, the remote control was laying on it.

The blonde slightly blushed. "Well...I mean...it's ok.", she mumbled and looked down, hiding her face behind her blond curls.

Karlie sat down at the couch, that was facing the giant flatscreen. It had some sort of crack in it. She placed her feet onto the couch table and looked around. Maybe living here wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

"Do you want me to show you around or something?", the singer asked, rubbing her own arm insecurely.

Karlie nodded. "Yeah why not? Otherwise I'll just end up getting lost in that bloody palace of yours."

She followed Taylor in her enormous kitchen and couldn't help but let out another gasp.

The singers kitchen wasn't the same size as her living room, but still almost as huge as the dorm she lived in in college. And she had even shared it with Josh.

Multiple kitchen devices were placed on the counter and on the island, in the middle of the room, were still some baking supplies placed, that Taylor forgot to put away.

"I mean...", Taylor said and scratched the back of her head, not sure what to say. "It kinda forgot to clean up." With that she looked at the baking supplies laying on the with flour covered kitchen island.

"You like baking?", Karlie said, surprised that she actually had something in common with the famous super star.

Taylor nodded. "But I prefer cooking."

The singer liked both activities but for some reason cooking has always been her favorite. It was healthier and made more fun. If she got nervous she started cooking and baking to calm herself down. Unfortunately it tended to happen, that she cooked more than she could eat. Because of that she had already invited her bodyguards to come in and eat with her a couple of times, so that she didn't have to throw everything away. It turned out, that they were actually really nice people. They even exchanged Christmas presents,

"And you have four homes all sized like this?", Karlie asked as they stepped into Taylors room.

This room was filled with a giant wardrobe, an also giant bed and a not so giant nightstand. Some clothes were laying on the white sheets, probably left from the packing she did when moving to the models apartment. On her nightstand was a half filled water bottle and next to it was Meredith laying. Curled up into a ball of fur and probably taking a nap.

"Actually five.", the singer admitted and her cheeks started to redden. "I bought one in London a couple of months ago, so I have a place to stay when I visit my British friends."

The model shook her head. "You own five houses and aren't even proud of it. What a weird person you just are." She would be definitely proud if she would be able to own five giant homes, all located in different but beautiful places.

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