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I got a new phone, but all my stories are still on my old one and I have no Idea how to transfer them onto my new one. Does anyone know good Android apps which you can use for note taking? I have found a decent one but it has a maximum of 5000 letters which is not enough :C


  Everybody was more than surprised that Karlie Kloss, whom was known for being late, was one of the first models to arrive at the arena where this years Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was about to take place.

 As soon as she had left the apartment, the model furiously had driven around the streets of New York, with no specific way to go. Josh hadn't replied yet, and Karlie had even tried calling him, but his phone went straight to voicemail. 

Looked like the lunch she had planned wasn't going to take place. She also had tried calling her friend Cara Delevigne, who was also to busy to reply. Or to lazy, Karlie thought and thought about how lazy her friend could be if she wanted to.Another call had been to another Angel, named Jordan Dunn, but like all the other persons she had had tried, she had gotten no reply, except for the robotic voice of the voice mail.

 It had led to excessive swearing and shouting, followed with desperately hitting the steering wheel, but she couldn't have changed anything anyway. There had been nothing she could do. 

One, two, maybe three cigarettes had gotten burned, to calm Karlie down, but as much as she had smoked, the brunettes mind stayed filled with Tonis statement, even now, at the rehearsal for the show it was echoing through her mind."You fell in love with her didn't you?", the model hated this statement.

 Why kept people assuming that? First Josh, now Toni. That couldn't be a good sign, Karlie thought, as she pressed down the doorknob to enter the room behind. She wasn't in love with Taylor Swift. It simply wasn't a possibility. She didn't let things like this happen. She didn't let herself get hurt. It wasn't right. 

 As soon as she stepped into the large room, filled with dozens of mirrors, the make-up artists approached her, and signaled her to sit down in front of one that stood in the middle of the room with. From there she had a perfect view of the door and, of course, her own face. 

 After she had driven around the city for what felt like hours, Karlie had even considered going back to Taylor's apartment. Her own apartment was still a mess, she hadn't had the time to clean it up, or find the person who destroyed it, even though she had a strong idea of who it was. But that was something that she would take care of after the show.

 But as she had arrived in front of Taylor's house, she had already felt the anger creeping back up. She hadn't been interested in meeting Taylor's family or playing the happy wife she always had to play. Especially not now. Not in such a risky time. That would only let her come to close. 

No feelings, she had repeatedly told herself while pressing down the gas and with that she had driven away again. She had decided that it would be for the better if she and Taylor would keep a distance between them for the next few days. Screw this stupid contract. Screw three million dollars. If their was one thing that was more important than money, it was her mental health.

 She than had tried to waste even more time, in the streets of New York, but as soon as she had stepped out of the car the place had started to fill with Paparazzi, so she had decided to give up and simply drive to the rehearsal.Where she indeed was now, staring at her own face in the mirror, while waiting for the show to start. 

She wouldn't get any make-up today, the artists would only discuss their ideas with the models and obviously themselves. But as far as she knew, they would wear the outfits today, to make sure that everything fit.The model sat at her chair, feeling boredom creeping up her mind. She remembered why she preferred coming late, there was no time for boredom if everything was stressful.

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