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The walk was quiet

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The walk was quiet.

Negan mosied along until the two came to a small side door hidden against the warehouse. With a swift reach, he opened it and gestured for Amelia to walk in first. She was hesitant, waiting for a few seconds before stepping inside the darkened hallway. A soft tune played dreamily in the distance, and a light source was barely visible from the far wall.

The girl waited for Negan to walk in front before following closely behind as he made his way towards the sound. As they winded through the maze of a hall, the tune got louder. Amelia nearly gaped at the sight before her.

There was a large room, covered almost entirely with black leather. Several women sat calmly on seats or leaning against the wall, all dawned in some form of black clothing. Negan smirked and stepped aside, throwing his arm out at the women.

"Welcome to our humble abode." He chuckled, making his way towards the drink table. Amelia could feel the eyes of the women on her as she narrowed her gaze on Negan. "I guess you must be wondering who these lovely ladies are." He poured himself a cup of bourbon before taking a small sip. "These," Negan paused, "are my wives."

Amelia nearly gagged, but she refrained and clenched her jaw. Negan shot down the rest of his drink, sighing and clapping his hands. He walked back towards the girl, a cheeky smile slapped across his face. Amelia hated him when he acted cocky like that.

"Girls, meet Amelia. Amelia, these are the girls." Negan winked at one of the women, grinning when she rolled her eyes.

"So who's this? You didn't add another one, did you?" A slender woman with a tired face questioned. Negan laughed.

"What, getting jealous Lauren?" He asked her. The woman scoffed, crossing her arms.

"She looks too young." She muttered. Amelia nearly took offense.

"Always got somethin' to say... But if you must know, no, Amelia is not another wife. She's come to take a tour of the place, ain't that right flower?" Negan smirked. The girl kept her mouth shut. "Little Amelia here decided it would be fun to come on my terf and gun down some men." A few of the ladies looked surprised.

"Really? That little thing shot one of your men?" A woman with olive skin asked.

"Two." Amelia corrected under her breath. Negan heard and smirked to himself.

"Right. Two. Sorry, smartass." He shook his head. "Now while she's here, I want y'all to put on your best smiles and be as nice as always, y'hear?" He told the women. They gave him a look of comprehension. "Good. Now we'll be on our merry way then."

Negan turned around to head out the door, Amelia following once again. This time, he stopped at another room. This one had the same luxurious feel to it. Designer decor was placed along the walls, the scent of fresh lemon hanging in the air. Her eyes scanned over the place as Negan plopped down on one of the sofas.

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