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For the next few days, Negan had left Amelia alone for the most part

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For the next few days, Negan had left Amelia alone for the most part. He had more so watched from afar as the girl began to realize the position she held in the Sanctuary. She began interacting in small increments with some of the people that lived there, mainly those who worked with the animals held in the barn on the farside of the property. Though Amelia didn't speak to the people much, she did offer small gestures of acknowledgment, like a simple smile or nod. Many of the people who saw Amelia knew she had some sort of upper ranking, noting that she had sometimes been seen with Negan. Most of the time, they tried to stay out of her way in fear of perhaps angering Negan by somehow "bothering" the girl. But that was never the case.

Amelia had briefly spoken to Sean on a few occasions after their talk in the woods, but it had never been as intimate as it was then. The girl did long for a bit of contact between the two of them, though. It had only gone as far as small talk and a brief wave. Sean was familiar to Amelia, he was like some sort of anchor through the madness that was her world. She missed Maggie and Enid and Carl, but there was something that held her here. Before, it had been depression. But now though, it was something else. And although Amelia couldn't quite place her finger on exactly what it was, it did feel vaguely similar to a feeling of territoriality. She had started to gain a bit of grounding at the Sanctuary---grounding that Alexandria never provided her. Here, she was taken seriously, and even feared by some. It was a contradictory thought to have, but the longer she stayed, the less disgusting the Sanctuary grew to be.

Fear of the Delusions seemed a little more distant the more Amelia pushed the thought away. If they stayed out of her mind, they'd stay away from the idea of her family. Maybe they'd be safe that way. But she found herself fretting, if only for a moment, one afternoon by the pin of hunting dogs outside the barn. A new litter of pups had been born, some of them wrestling in the dirt. But despite the purity of baby dogs yipping at one another, Amelia's face was set in a stone mold of concern and concentration.

"Come on, hurry! My dad showed me last night, they were all sleeping!" A small voice called from across the tall grass. Amelia looked up to see who the call belonged to, only to find a group of Sanctuary children bounding towards the pin. The girl furrowed her brow, unfamiliar with the approaching faces. She knew there had been a few kids who resided at the Sanctuary, but this seemed to be a rather large group of kids, all of whom seemed like close friends. How many children lived here?

"Who're you?" A young boy questioned, seemingly being the leader of the group.

"I'm just watching the dogs." She said softly, a small smile being offered in their direction. "My name's Amelia." She told the kids.

"You're old." The smallest child, a girl who couldn't be more than five, said matter of factly.

"Are the puppies awake?" Another kid asked, seemingly ignoring his friend's previous statement. Amelia nodded.

"Yeah, they're playing right now. You wanna see?" But before she could even fully finish, the children bounded over to the pin and watched the puppies tousle. One of the girls even crawled into the pin to retrieve one of the pups.

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