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Being with Negan was not an easy task

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Being with Negan was not an easy task.

He was a grown man with needs of his own, needs that seemed a bit strange to Amelia. But she complied, none the less. The encounter last for a lot longer than expected, and left the two in a heaping mess of sweat and lost breath.

Negan had almost forgotten the issues on the table, his focus now shifting to the girl in front of him. Her body lay bare under the sheets on his luxurious bed, back facing towards him. The man lightly traced over her shoulder blades with the tip of his finger, causing goosebumps to arise on Amelia's skin. Negan chuckled.

"I'm assuming it was good for you?" He joked. Amelia rolled her eyes, slipping out of bed and walking towards her clothes. She quickly pulled on her underwear, stretching her body as she did so. Amelia could feel Negan's eyes on her as she raked a hand through her hair.

"I should probably be heading over to the wives' lounge then, I guess." Amelia sighed, tugging roughly at her jeans. Negan sat up, hunching over his knees, soaking in every move the girl made.

"Why don't you stay a little longer, flower? I'm gonna end up gettin' lonely here all by myself." Amelia shot him a smirk.

"'Well then I guess you'll have to come visit the ladies and I in a public​ space." She pulled the flannel of her shoulders and buttoned a few of the slots to keep from revealing herself to the entire camp.

"If you're into that sort of thing, I mean..." Negan trailed off, a cheeky smile on his face. Amelia quickly threw her hair up into a ponytail before grabbing her shoes.

"Goodbye, Negan." She told him sternly. The man stood up, his boxers still hanging loosely on his hips.

"Now, now, who told you that you could go on 'nd leave just yet?" He snaked a hand around the girl's waist, but she pulled away uncomfortably. Negan looked confused.

"Alright look, we may have hooked up and had some...really good sex...but that doesn't mean you can just touch me whenever you feel like it, and it sure as hell doesn't mean you can cat-call me whenever you get horny. Understand that?" Amelia told him in a strong voice. Negan shook his head, chuckling.

"Who gave you the right to tell me what to do?" He crossed his arms over his bare chest, narrowing his eyes at the girl.

"If I do recall, you did, when you took away my innocence on that bed over there." Amelia gestured towards the shriveled blankets. Negan gave a hoot.

"You ain't no damn virgin."

"Oh yeah? Says who?"

"Says the way you seem to know exactly what you're doing." Negan shot back. Amelia's cheeks flushed slightly, but she his it by looking down.

"I have things to do today, Negan. One time does not mean I'm yours to take." She said when she finally looked him back in the eyes. Negan studied her features for a moment.

"Then why the hell did you want to become a wife so desperately?" He asked her. Amelia stared at him.

"I told you, I want that power. And power doesn't come when you have someone trying to be the boss of you. That means I don't answer to you. I answer to no one but me." She fibbed easily. Negan believed it. He looked at her for a moment longer before opening the door.

"I hope to see you again soon." Negan told her as he stepped out of the way enough for Amelia to slip through. She gave him a quick nod before going off towards the common rooms.


The breakfast table had been nearly ransacked, leaving nothing left but a few apples and a blueberry pastry. I guess that's what you got when you spent your time having hate sex.

Amelia had taken the book she had been reading the night before and continued while eating her breakfast in peace. The room was quiet, everyone else had abandoned the room to begin their day with whatever task laid ahead. But Amelia, along with the other wives, had nothing planned. They were free to do as they pleased, when they pleased. That gave the girl more time on how she was going to plot to get the hell out of the Sanctuary with Negan's head on a stick.

Amelia glanced out the window to see what all was happening in the loading docks. She saw two semi trucks being emptied from a previous run, but also being prepared for another trip. Amelia knew that they weren't going to Alexandria, considering the visits were usually every seven days. It had been around three days since the girl had stowed away on the truck that got her here, so it was impossible to be getting all the way back home. But Amelia knew it could get her at least past camp.

Hurriedly, Amelia ran to her room, grabbing her bag and shoving it with some clothes from the wardrobe before going down to the weaponry shack. The usual clerk stood with the clipboard, going over stock. The girl smiled.

"Can I help you with something?" The older woman asked kindly. Amelia nodded.

"Yes, I'm going out today with the runners. It's a last minute sort of deal, but Simon told me I could tag along if I at least brought a knife." She explained. The woman began looking down her list.

"And you say you're checking the weapon out under Simon's name?" The clerk asked softly. Amelia nodded. The woman disappeared in the back for a moment before reappearing with a large dagger and small pistol in hand. She slid them across the counter, offering a round of ammo. "A pretty girl like you should be going out with more protection than a knife." The woman said with a chuckle. Amelia laughed along too.

Holy hell, just shut up. Jesus Christ, this bitch. She thought in her head. But instead of saying anything else, Amelia only awkwardly waved before walking towards the trucks.

As soon as she was out of view, Amelia started to sprint. Shee shot a few looks out for any danger of being caught, but relaxed when she didn't see any. The girl crouched behind a shipping crate, gun loaded and ready to fire. The man prepping the module was young and tall, his muscles nearly tearing at his shirt. He wouldn't be easy to take out, Amelia warned herself. She waited for him to disappear down another hole of .

When the coast was clear, Amelia ran. She pushed past the crates laying in stacks around the lot, and just ran to the truck!s.

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