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Amelia's face was twisted in concentration as her eyes were set on the table in front of her

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Amelia's face was twisted in concentration as her eyes were set on the table in front of her. The rest of the classroom was quiet as the clock ticked on, a different ticking than Amelia was used to. This sound wasn't calming. In fact, it was rather stressful and made her anxious. That was almost everything in her high school though.

Finally feeling somewhat content with the answers she had marked, Amelia adjusted her blouse and stood up to turn in her test. A few people glanced her way before turning back to their own paper. She offered the teacher a smile, resting the paper on his desk.  Mr. Gomez looked up thoughtfully, giving the girl a quick nod of approval, signalling she could return to her seat.

Amelia sat back down and rested her chin on her hand, swirling her finger on the other hand around the doodle of a flower someone had left on the desk. She chewed on her lip, studying the figure at the desk.

Mr. Gomez was Amelia's honors English teacher. Sophomore year, she decided she was going to challenge herself academically in order to try and live up to Maggie's trailblazing in years prior. Amelia signed up for all honors classes, but that had failed horribly. She ended up dropping all of them within the month, except for English.

Amelia had wanted to drop the honors class, but when she had approached Mr. Gomez about it, his only response was a quick laugh before returning to reading the book he always seemed to have his nose in.

"Mr. Gomez, I don't think you understand. I'm not as smart as I thought I could be, I have to drop this class, it's just too much for me." Amelia tried to explain. The man sat his book down after a few seconds and stared at her. He didn't say anything, he only tried to search her face for any sort of detail that could assist him in figuring the girl out.

"Miss Green, no one is ever 'not smart enough' to do something." He said simply.

"But I--"

"You aren't dropping my class, Amelia."

"Well how am I supposed to stay caught up? I can barely get my assignments done on time, and the tests, it feels like I'm just looking at a foreign language." She felt her head start to ache at the thought of another night with ten pounds of homework.

"I'm going to help you." This caught her attention.


"I'm going to help you keep up with the others." Mr. Gomez told her reassuringly. There was a pause. "You're smart, you have potential."


That word always got to Amelia. It was an almost. Potential was hope. It was seeing something inside that no one else could see. It was pushing aside the misconceptions and looking for yourself to see the kind of person Amelia really was, seeing the things she truly had to offer. She had potential.

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