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The dining hall was quiet

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The dining hall was quiet.

Eugene sat on one end of the table, his eyes focused glumly on the shiny plate in front of him adorned with ham and potatoes. Amelia's gaze was glued to his cowardly figure, trying to figure out what an Alexandrian prisoner was doing at Negan's dining table.

"...and it exploded all over the place!" One of the other 'wives' exclaimed. Amelia picked over her food, seemingly without a care while the other women seemed entirely too interested with Eugene. If only they knew who he really was.

Amelia rarely talked to the guy. Any encounter they had had was always short and extremely awkward. She could vaguely recall a scouting mission with Aaron where Eugene had tagged along, only to spout off random facts about various things the trio would spot on their trip. All Amelia knew was that he was a strange man with cowardly habits. That's all she cared to know about him, but her curiosities stretched towards Negan's interest in him. Why was he giving him such nice treatment? Amelia almost anticipated for him to bash Eugene's head in with Lucille at any given moment. It was strange.

"Amelia, I presume you know our little guest." Negan had said after a few minutes. The girl looked up, nodding unenthusiastically. "Mr. Smarty-pants here is gonna be my right hand." Negan beamed, seemingly forgetting the encounter he had had with Amelia merely an hour prior. Or maybe he was just trying to to forget. Very few people ever spoke to Negan the way Amelia did, and they were all dead. But not Amelia. She was very much alive, and that gave Negan a drive. He was enticed by the girl, a part of him surprising himself with his sympathy towards her.

"You are?" Amelia asked Eugene. He looked up, if only for a moment, before his eyes darted back down to the table. A smirk played at her lips. She was bitter and angry at everything. Eugene was here, and he was apparently going to be her target to unleash her frustration. "Interesting." She commented under her breath. This made Negan grow a little curious as to what made Amelia male that remark. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking the girl over. Her lips were being chewed on from the inside, an obvious look of cynicality on her face. "How are you going to become a top-dog?" She questioned. Eugene shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, I intent to follow orders exactly as Negan gives them to me. I'll do what I have to do to keep the sanctuary up and running because I do believe it is a man's duty to defend his territory." Amelia's eyebrows raised at this. She scoffed.

"And this is your territory now?" Negan and the other wives exchanged looks, waiting for Amelia to lay it out on the table.

"That is correct." Eugene said. There was silence for a few moments, which seemed like hours.

"Eugene, tell me; who are you?" Amelia asked him. The man's eyes darted towards Negan's before going back to Amelia's. He repeated a few times before answering.

"I am Negan." He said finally. Amelia stared at him in vague surprise, but knowing and disappointed. She stifled an angry laugh.

"You're a goddamn coward." She spat before standing up and glaring at everyone in the room. "All of your, you're all fucking cowards." Her words spilled from her mouth before she could stop them. Almost immediately, her eyes landed on Negan. He only looked at her in confusion. Amelia took it as an opportunity, and left the dining hall heading straight for the commons.


As soon as Amelia reached the common room, she headed towards her leather seat with tears in her eyes, only to find Sean sitting there with his nose in a book. She stopped in her tracks, trying to some how absorb the tears threatening to spill over her cheeks at any given second. Sean looked up, smiling almost as soon as he saw the girl.

"Well, if it isn't pantalones elegantes." He commented wryly. When Amelia didn't reply with her usual wit, Sean frowned. "You okay?" He asked her. Amelia shrugged. He stood up, walking towards the girl. "What happened?" She shook her head, running a shaking hand through her hair.

"Everything. All of it's happening, all at once, and it's just too fast. Everything needs to just slow down, or go fucking backwards for all I care." Amelia breathed, avoiding eye contact with the man. Sean furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, deep breaths. It's alright, okay?" He tried to reassure the girl. Sean wanted to hug her, but he felt as if it would be strange. Amelia, seemingly, did not remember him. But she was all he had left of the man he used to be, and he needed her to remain the girl she once was. Sean needed Amelia to stay the good kid who needed a little extra tutoring, the girl who would shoot funny remarks at his ties. Now, she was hurt and visibly broken. Amelia had been turned into something pathetic and frail. It was hard for Sean to see and accept. Because once he grasped onto the fact that even the sweetest of all flowers has to wilt at some point. And for him, once Amelia had deteriorated, Sean Gomez would too.

"All if this hurts. I hate being here, Sean. I hate this aching that I feel. And it's like no matter what I do, I'm hurting someone." She sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore." Amelia was defeated. Sean crossed his arms.

"What do you want to do?" He asked her. She shrugged, the same meaningless one she had done before.

"I want to go home. But I can't."

"Why not?" Sean wasn't really curious, he only wanted to keep the girl distracted.

"Because Negan has to pay for what he did." She stopped herself, realizing what she had just said. Her eyes slowly traveled up to meet Sean's. He studied her face for a few moments, taking in the fact that Amelia wasn't a saviour. Yes, she had been staying at the sanctuary and living as a wife, but her intentions weren't towards living here. She was obviously searching for some sort of vengeance.

And then, she broke down into tears.

Sean wasn't sure what to do at first. He only watched as Amelia's shoulders began to shake as she cried. Her head fell, loose strands of hair covering bits of her face. She was a mess.

"Kill me." She cried out. Sean was taken back. He had to keep himself from shaking his head. Why on earth would she ask him to do that?

"Amelia--" he started.

"Just kill me! I can't fucking stay here anymore, Sean!" She shouted. Sean's eyes were glazed with disbelief. Amelia Greene, the girl he hasn't given up on, had given up on herself.

"I am not going to kill you." He told her sternly.

"Then turn me in. Tell Negan I hate it here and that I want him dead. Better yet, tell Simon. I'm sure he'd have a field day beating my ass." She said bitterly. Sean shook his head, wanting her to just stop talking. He took a few steps forward, grabbing her shoulders and pulling the girl into a hug. And he held on tight. Sean held onto what little humanity the sanctuary had given him. And he didn't let go.

Amelia started to sob, her tears dampening Sean's sleeve. Her hands clutched onto the man trying his best to hold onto her. Her fingers clutched onto the fabric of his shirt until her knuckles turned white and started to sting. She was hurting. Everything hurt.

They stood there for a long time, clinging onto anything they could hold.

I'm thinking of writing
A chapter with just Sean
And Amelia development?
Idk, do you guys like that pairing?
I feel like I need more Sean love
In this story, especially bc Ams
Needs someone in her life to
Really be a positive person for
Her. That bb deserves that <3

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