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Rick sat in frustration, hands fumbling over the sawed-off shotgun in order to check the ammunition

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Rick sat in frustration, hands fumbling over the sawed-off shotgun in order to check the ammunition. Beads of sweat clung to the hair hanging in front of his forehead. Bandages barely clung to his knuckles, dirtied from the work scouting for more supplies--

more people.

It had been weeks since Alexandria had last seen Amelia. They had been playing nice with Negan and the saviors, hoping the good behavior would maybe get Maggie at least a glimpse of her younger sister. She was left in a state of depression, staying in her home for the most part.

Maggie had lost everyone. Glenn was gone, and so was Amelia. The only thing she could look forward to was the child Glenn had left behind. It was like she was left in her own loneliness, by herself in the must of depression. Rick could see it. Everyone could.

It was decided that the takeover would happen a lot sooner than originally planned. The hilltop was the only confirmed ally to Alexandria, only after an occurrence with the junk yard proved that they were not in it for a fight in independence, but instead a takeaway for themselves.

Alexandria had since recruited other lone groups in order to build arms. Scouting had moved farther north, careful to avoid the sanctuary. Rick had grown determined and stronger in his abilities, trying to regain the crowned leader persona he had once cloaked over himself. He had been hollow, but rage began to fill the gaps of broken bone and spirit.

Daryl sat on the opposite side of him, joined also by Michonne. The only sound that echoed around the trio was the clicking of metal hitting the dirt as the guns were dropped after careful inspection.

"I think we should talk to Aaron about where to head next. We've checked the maps a few times, and we're getting too close to savior territory." Michonne said. Rick didn't answer. The woman looked up at him, growing slightly concerned with his distance from the others. "I told him to start heading to the coastline. I thought maybe we could find more scavengers farther east. Maybe even further up the coast." Still, Rick didn't respond. Michonne looked over at Daryl, but she saw that he too seemed focused on his task. "I'm worried about you." She rested a hand on Rick's knee. He paused to look up, if only for a moment.

"Tell Aaron to go ahead. Sasha said something about going towards the Carolina's with one of the trucks. They could go with a few men and supplies in order to reel some back. We're desperate, so anything they can do will help." Rick was back at unloading the guns and making sure they were in decent condition. Michonne watched him for his next mood, but nodded when she saw he was stuck in repetition. She stood up and walked towards Aaron's place to tell him the news, leaving the two men alone to their work.

"Shouldn' be long now. We'll get th'guns, th'men..." Daryl trailed off. Rick stopped to look up at his friend.

"We're doing this for Amelia. And for Maggie. I don't wanna see our people hurt." He looked off towards a small grouping of people painting some fencing around one of the homes. "But this is what we gotta do."

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