Ice Cold (alternate chapters )

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For this chapter it will have two endings. If you stop reading after this chapter this will be the dark ending. However, next chapter (The warmth of Flames) is going to be this chapter with a different ending and the continuation of this book.

Gerald POV

I sobbed still sitting on the floor. What had I done to deserve her walking out. I wasn't just gonna let her go. Quickly I ran up stairs and grabbed my jacket, zipping it up before joining Ellie downstairs.

"We gotta go find her. You still got that find my iPhone app?" Ellie nodded slowly before digging her phone out of her pocket. I grabbed mine off the sofa and shoved it in my pocket hearing the sound of paper crinkle. Carefully I reached back into my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper.


Hold onto that I love you. I'm protecting you. Love always, Deee!

"Ellie..." I handed her the note as a confused looked spread across her face before her phone pinged. Carefully I took it from Ellie's hand and shook my head. You wouldn't go there. I knew that place so well. Melissa she was cold as ice in my arms. I tried so hard to save her. "That's my old town...."

"Let's go Gerald."

"Why would she go there? We both swore that place was off limits. We never went back. It scared Danny to even go near that place. Let's go, call mom and Grady. Tell them to meet us there." She nodded as I grabbed the keys to the SUV. I couldn't forget ever how to get to that place yet we never made it there.

"She's leaving... They're going towards San Francisco downtown...." It was hard to drive in the snow, yet as we got closer to the heart of the city there were police and fire trucks. Ellie started crying as she showed me her phone and I looked up. This Cadillac was in pieces and flipped on its roof. There was a fireman holding a crying baby. I parked the car and sprinted over, past the police and to the fireman.

"That's my son! Where is my wife! Where is she! Danny!" My heart sunk as I saw my father's corpse being dragged out. Then there she was. Lips blue as they kept shocking her in that ambulance. She looked like Melissa on that morning I found her. " Danny! Danny baby... No... No! You can't fucking take her!"

"Ger!" I felt Ellie's arms wrap around me, she was holding Kevin. Not a scratch on him. Danny had fastened him in knowing she was going to do just this.

"Where is Da- O my god... No... No!" I saw my mother and Grady approach. They just kept shocking her until one shook his head and looked towards me. I walked to the ambulance and hopped in, taking her hand. It was cold like ice. There was no saving you.

"Baby..." I felt my eyes well with tears as I sunk to her side, kissing her hand. " Baby please wake up!... Danny baby! I love you! I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry! Wake up..." I shook her slightly, no sign of life. "Baby! Kevin needs you I need you.... He needs his mom... Babe... I need you."

"Sir, we have to take the body now... I'm sorry for your loss." I didn't even notice he was helping me out of the ambulance. I fell to my knees in the snow, clutching your engagement ring I had snagged and gripped in my hands. This was the moment I lost the love of my life. The moment G eazy became a single father. The moment G eazy lost the woman he loved. The moment Gerald let reality sink into his soul. Here we thought the cancer would have come back some day. Yet it wasn't that at all. It would a family issue. A issue we thought was long gone.

"Dad, do you have the engagement ring still?"

"Yes Kev"

I sighed and stopped my story, wandering to the fireplace mantle and digging in the small box. It still looked just as beautiful the day I gave it to her. I was forty five now, Kevin twenty and in love. Danny you would love this girl. She's a hoot. Mom loves her too.

" Can I use it? If that's okay dad..." I looked to Suzanne before sitting down again and nodding. I could still picture your smile. I see it in Kev's every damn day. Yes I still make music. I still cry because I miss you. I still write about you. No I never fell in love again. I still haven't thrown out most of your things. I still have your perfume because I can't help but smell it when I miss you.

" Yeah, but promise to take care of the girl you give it to... Like I should have your mom..." Kev nodded and hugged me, Grady snapping a photo.

"You didn't hurt her... Grandpa did... He killed Mel too... You said it yourself... Ma had it in her phone."

"Even if he was the one who crashed that car, I still could have possibly done something different Kev..." I sighed and stood, looking at the photos of us. My eyes filled with tears as I kissed my thumb and pressed it to the frame. "Miss you Deee from the bay to the universe."

So this was the ending if Danny had died. Keep reading to see the alternate bit, then continue from there with the story. Love you all! Don't cry like I did while writing this chapter. Lol

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