Listen to Me

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Daniella POV

"Listen to me babe... You're gonna wake up..." Okay... You have said the over and over the past month Gerald. I can't move. I can't even see your face. I wanna die Gerald. This tube hurts, my body aches. This is worse than before. I wish I could at least see you.

I hate knowing you're suffering too. You barely leave, you sleep here, your soft snores fill my room. I can picture your relaxed features. Ellie comes all the time too, the place smells of flowers. You even let me smell them or tuck them in my hair. Ellie paints my nails. Grady and Blizzy crack jokes for me. Marty tries to comfort you along with your mom. I heard you released your album. It's a huge success Marty says. I know you'll have to leave me soon to go on tour. Please don't be sad. I can't handle anymore pain to carry.

" Hey honey..." I could hear Suzanne's melodic voice, she sounded tired. "Gerald can you give me a second with her." He didn't say a word, but the door merely clicked open and closed. She sighed and grapsed my hand. "He needs you... So so bad... He barely eats... Barely sleeps." A soft sniffle registered to my senses. "He's not Gerald without you... The doctors have been giving you your medicine. They don't want the cancer coming back while you're in your coma especially... Because then they'll ask Gerald if they should pull your plug. I don't think can handle that decision sweetie." Her hand grasped mine. It took all my energy to twitch in a squeeze back. "Honey? Danny?" I heard the chair move and the door click open then closed. "We need a doctor!"

I managed to open my eyes half way. Anxiety overcame my body, breathing wasn't a task. However the tube was so painful, my body screamed like it was on fire. The doctors rushed in, what was happening. They held him back at the door. Tears sliding down his cheeks.

"D! D baby it's gonna be okay!" The door closed and I felt weight on my arms, why were they holding me down.

"Miss Evans! You need to relax! I need to take this tube out before it does damage." My body hurt, once the tube was out I screamed. I screamed as much as my voice would allow me, which was as loud as a mouse due to the fact I hadn't been able to make a noise for months. I glanced over as they supplied a drug into my IV, calmness over taking my body. "Miss Evans we've given you a tiny amount of what you've been having forced into your body. Your withdrawal effects are extremely dangerous. Can you move?" I nodded slowly, though the world felt slow. My body felt light like a feather.

"Gerald..." I croaked laying my head back down. The nurse was adjusting wires before she glanced to the doctor.

" She can have guests... Monitor her 24/7 I don't need you slipping into having seizures." He left then the others till I was alone. My eyes glued to the door till the whole squad rushed into the room. Gerald pulled me into a hug, I managed to drape my arms around him, sobs pouring from my weak body.

" Hey baby... Shhh... I'm right here beautiful."

"Gerald..." I could barely talk, but he understood. I only let him go to move over on the small bed. He chuckled and laid down, careful of the wires.

"Hey hottie." Ellie cracked a smile before brushing away tears. She carefully hugged me. "Gosh I missed you."

"Me... Too... The... Studio?"

"O shut up about work. Every thing is fine. Ed Sheeran is in there now. Every thing is handled." I smiled weakly before she sat down, Suzanne coming to squeeze my hand. Marty, Blake, and Grady all hugged me before I got settled in Ger's embrace.

"When... Home... I wanna... Go home." He kissed the top of my head before sighing softly.

"I dunno babe. The doctors have to slowly get you off that shit he gave you. If they don't it can cause brain damage. I'm not letting anything happen to you."

"Mmm... He... He didn't... Rape me... He.... Was... So fucking... Annoying." Everyone laughed, even I was thankful I could make a joke of the situation.

" Well he'll be in jail for the rest of his life Danny. The police said his mother was his caretaker. He hasn't been getting his antipsychotics. She was dead in her house. They found another woman... She... She didn't make it."

"I know... Eva... I need to... Know her real... Name. Please."

"I'll find out, but right now... Rest. Relax. We've got touring remember? I need my lil mama by my side." I cracked a smile before looking up into his eyes. Relief was the word that fit his expression the most. The grey under his eyes stood out against his pale skin. Frail almost like myself.

"Yee" He smiled as I ran my finger tips along his scruffy face. "Seems like you've... Had a rough... Couple of... Months.... I'm okay... Now." Tears slid down his cheeks before he kissed my forehead. Everyone fell asleep but I. I felt like I had been asleep for years. Plus I was too afraid I wouldn't be able to wake up. I took a hold of his phone that was secured in his hand and caught up on the world. A smile crossed my face at the photos of the crowds outside of this very hospital. The tweets he posted. I took a quick photo before posting a quick tweet to his account.

@G_Eazy: I just wanted to let you all know I woke up today. Surround by the support of the squad and you the fans of Gerald. Thank you. See you on tour soon. -Mama Danny

(I know y'all see the ring in the photo, but chill. It's not like that. I just couldn't find a photo that didn't have a ring in it lol)

 His phone began to blow up with mentions before I clicked it off

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His phone began to blow up with mentions before I clicked it off. Nuzzling my head against his chest. Sleep came for me. Thankfully not a nightmare nor moment of fear woke me up. It was peaceful.

Drifting Back [Fanfiction G-Eazy] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now