Starting Over

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Daniella POV

The next few days were so hard for you Gerald. Almost too hard to me to watch. Shows had to be canceled and we stopped a hotel. Your body turned against you for the first week. I'm sorry Gerald. Then there was the stalker thing going on. They wanted me to testify, truth be told I was so scared to even agree. I had no choice though if I wanted him to get the maximum sentence. I was the key victim. The one who could speak for the others to died.

Day 2:

It wasn't bad till after the first 24 hours. That night you tossed and turned in a never ending nightmare. Beads of sweat covered your forehead. You constantly begged me to make I end but I couldn't. It was your demon and only your demon to battle. Grady was helpful, especially when I had my moment of tremors. Thankfully he knew how to inject my "medicine" as so many liked to call it instead of a drug.

Day 3 & 4:

You were constantly showering, in any attempts to make this easier. You threw up, barely able to keep anything down. I had never seen you cry so often Gerald. It hurt me deeply to watch you suffer and not be able to help in anyway. I wished we could have gone home so you could do this properly. However the shows demanded your attention.

Day 5: you're a trooper. You performed tonight and it seems you feel a lot better after the show. It's because you're sweating out all those drugs. I let you kiss me today. I missed your lips and your embrace, yet my trust for you was still pending. I gave into sharing a bunk with you. Clothes on of course.


" In here Gerald!" I closed my notebook and took a breath. Suzanne had told me to write stuff down. It was suppose to help with the trama I had been through. It wasn't doing a thing for me.

" Hey I was wondering if you... Wanted to go to dinner after the show tonight? My treat." A coy smile crossed his lips as he sat down beside me and took my hand. " Please?"

"Mmm as long as it isn't pizza. I can't handle pizza." I smirked as he laughed before nodding.


"Let's get you to sound check." A smile crossed my lips as we stood, I followed behind and that's when it hit like a car. The pain coursed through my side as I fell to my knees, he turned around in horror.

"Baby! Hey it's okay! Nurse! Nurse!" He laid me down as the nurse rushed over.

"No... No please... I don't want it..." I mumbled, looking into his eyes. I pleaded with my expression.

"Baby I'm sorry..." He ran his fingers through my hair. Tears sliding down his cheeks as she stuck the needle into my vein. Numbness overtook my body, the pain drifted away as I closed my eyes to blink away the tears.

" Get up slowly Miss Evans..." The tour nurse said, but it sounded so far away. I hated this more than anything. Slowly I opened my eyes as Gerald helped me up. Grady and Ellie now stood to the side watching. Holding hands of course.

"I didn't need it." I snapped at her before looking to Gerald... "My body... Shouldn't be relying on this shit..."

"I know D... It takes time the doctor said. Otherwise you'll get seizures." He guided me to the front row and I sat down, looking over to Robert aka Logic. Another wonderfully talented client.


"Hey!" I chuckled as he walked over and sat down, hugging me. It was obvious someone told him about my issues. It seemed everyone on the tour knew. As if it had to be common knowledge that I was suffering. " How have you been?"

"Ight, holding down the fort for you two. How have you been?"

"Ahh well thank you and as good as I can be for sure.... Gerald is making progress." I merely nodded before looking down at my hands. Ger had gone off with Grady to take photos of course, leaving me in yet another awkward situation.

"You gonna tell him?"

"Tell him what Rob?" He sighed slightly and looked around before mumbling.

"That you and I fucked..."

"That was years ago... I wasn't even with him when we did so no." I sighed before glancing at him. "You were married and we were both really drunk. It was a huge mistake."

"Mmm yeah... you're're avoiding the giant fucking elephant though." He stood and lit a cigarette before taking a drag.

"What is more of an elephant than that?"

"That you were carrying my baby when the cancer fucking killed it D."

"Shut the fuck up Robert." I stood, glaring at him as I snatched the cigarette. "Why? Why bring it up?"

"Because Jessica can't have children... You're the only one we would trust to have a baby..."

"Yeah well she didn't even know about the time...I can't... I won't. Plus I'm not even healthy right now. I'm fucking addicted to some shit and I got Gerald to take care of Rob."

"Just think about it." He mumbled, grabbing my wrist before pulling me into a hug. It was obviously a cover considering now people were showing up on stage. I pulled away and shot a smile as Gerald walked on, playing with the mic and starting to sing run around sue. His glasses so tinted I couldn't see his eyes. He was struggling just like any other recovering addicted. Then again we're all addicted to something. My addiction was Gerald Gillum. A smirk crossed my lips as I sat back down, our eyes following each other as if it was a dance. We were good for once. Not a thing could hurt us. At least I thought in that moment everything was perfect. Some people had other plans for our happiness.

Drifting Back [Fanfiction G-Eazy] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now