E - emergency

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Riley pov:
James and I were walking through the corridor to top studio A ready for rehearsal.It was a normal day.

Everyone apperead to be in the studio accept Michelle,eldon,West and stephanie,which was odd as they are usually all punctual .

James called me over and we went into the corner and rehearsed a little routine we made up when he came round my house last week.

The odd thing was,I swear I could smell smoke,and not just any normal smoke,burning smoke,like there was a fire in near proxemix.We couldn't work out where it was coming from untill,suddenly,the wooden door of miss kate's office burst into flames.Everyone started to scream and panic and me and james ran over to the fire extinguisher and tried to put out the fire,but to no avail.West was calling 911 for the fire brigade,describing that we are all stuck inside a burning building and need urgent help.

The last thing I remember is the screeching wale of a fire engines alarm,before everything went black and I went unconcious.

James pov:
"Riley!"I screamed as Riley fell to the floor,unconcious.
She must have breathed in the smoke from the fire.Luckily the fire brigade just arrived and the flames are out after being covered in foam.The ambulance also came and they took all of us to hospital.Riley was the most affected.She stayed unconcious for 2 hours,then suddenly she woke up,to everyone's relief.

"Riley!Your awake!"I shouted in delight.

Her eyes were red and her skin as pale as snow,but at least she was safe,she was still my beautiful Riley and I was overwhelmingly happy she survived!

Riley pov:
My lungs felt heavy and my chest heaved like I had a ton of bricks in it.My eyes stung like a ton of acid had been poured into them.People were crowded around squeezing about me being awake,especially james.He ran up to me and kissed my cheek gently whilst giving me the most comforting,warm hug ever. He told me that I had passed out when a fire broke out in studio A.At first I panicked about the studio,but then I thought *I am so lucky to be alive right now*and I did a great big beaming smile at everyone in the room,sat up and said "we made it."

Hope it is ok!Please vote and comment what you think!!!xxxxx

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