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Riley pov:
I kept seeing James with this girl from the cafe he works at. She was called Kayla,and she was always so flirtatious with him,pressuring him to keep staring at her by wearing low cut tops , short skirts and lots of makeup.James,I thought he was a loyal boyfriend so I trusted him,or at least tried to trust him.

One day,me and James were walking home from rehearsals and Kayla suddenly walked up to us and grabbed James' hand.He shook her hand off and said to me I'll be back in a minute Riley,don't worry,just stay there".He took her hand and dragged her away to talk away from my hearing.

James pov:
"What are you doing?"I whispered to Kayla.

"I have a girlfriend,you know I do.Im sorry but you were a one night stand,I may have led you on but that is in the Past.Im sorry but you mean nothing to me in comparison to my Riley."

"You see"she said,seductively licking her lips " Riley doesn't deserve you,you act like she is a possession, not a person.I don't mind if you treat me like a toy james,play with me all you like.

"Just leave me alone!"I screamed at her.I definitely think Riley heard me that time.

She came running over to see what all the commotion was about.

"What's happening?"Riley said in a panic.

"Well,your sweet little James led me on at a work party on Saturday night,and we had and nice little make out session,didnt we James?He led me on and now he has said I was a 'one night stand' and that I meant nothing to him and he cares about you."Confessed Kayla spitefully.

Riley pov:
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.James,my boyfriend,was cheating.

James pushed Kayla away forcefully and chased after me as I ran away.I felt my heart breaking.

"Riley!"he shouted."I was drunk,it was all a bit of a haze.She led me on,not the other way around.I did not kiss her she pushed me down and kissed me,it tried to escape but she had me pressed down on a table,it couldn't get away from the kiss.If I could of ,I'd have pulled away.Please believe me!"

"I need some time alone,to think about think.James,if you can prove that it was not your fault ,then I'll consider forgiving you.If however I find evidence you were to blame,then I don't think this relationship ship will work out,no matter how much heartbreak it will cause me,cause I cannot stand lying and cheating.

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