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Riley pov:
  It was moving day!

        After the whole Kayla fiasco last year,James got a new job at a department store,which meant a lot better pay and some pretty great discounts! It also meant, along with my money from teaching baby ballet, we could afford to get a flat together! We felt that we were ready to take the next step in our relationship and we are old enough to live together without our parents. It would also be more convinient as James always comes over to mine to collect me before we drive to the studio.

       James was coming over after work and then we were going to collect the keys for our new flat!I was so excited,I just couldn't wait!

       I had been shopping the day before and gathered some things that might be useful such as;towels, bedding, pillows, cups, bowls, plates, cutlery etc. I wanted to be prepared. I also got some decorative things including a string of fairylights, a few fluffy cushions and a couple of candles to make her bedroom feel more homely. I really hope James appreciates it!

James pov:
    I arrived at Rileys family home and asked if I could pop into their bathroom and change out of my uniform. I got into my navy blue denim jeans and my grey tank top, splashed my face with cold water and sprayed myself with probably too much body spray!

   Riley greeted me with a big hug and took me through to the living room and we sat down and chatted for a bit.

     "Are you excited?"I asked james

     "Of course!" James said excitedly "I can't wait for me and my girl to live together,I can't wait to spend every moment with you."

Riley pov:
     After packing all my things up, we said goodbye to my parents and after a few emotional tears, we got into James' car and drove to the estate agents.

     We arrived and carefully parked.In that moment,it felt as if anything was possible. We were free and it felt good.

      As we walked in, the man at the desk greeted us warmly and gave James a firm handshake. He gestured for us to sit down and so we obliged.He went through some paperwork with us and then gave us our keys!

     "Congratulations new home owners!" said the estate agent.

     We drove for about 10 minutes before coming to the entrance of our road. Suddenly, I could see our new flat. It looked so modern, but also really homely. It was made of red brick and had bay windows that hung out over the edge. It was perfect.

     We got out of the car and into to fresh afternoon air.  James took my hand in his as we gazed upon the place we would now call our home.

     "You ready?" James said softly.
     "Ready for anything,so long as I'm with you."I replied.

    James pushed the shiny metal key into the lock and opened the door into our new life together.


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