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Riley pov:
  Suddenly, I felt an intense pain in my stomach.

    "James!" I screamed "I think my waters just broke!"

  James' face went white- he seemed like he was about to faint, like he didn't know what to do.

    "Oh my gosh, Riley! Are you ok? What should I do?" He asked.

   "Call the midwife! I don't know what to do, I've never had a baby before!" I said in panic.

    James called the midwife and she said don't come in to hospital untill the contractions were getting fairly strong. I was already in a fair amount of pain so I didn't know what she meant. James came over and rubbed my back soothingly, whispering how proud he was of me.

James pov:
    I was a bit worried as I didn't know what to do. I thought Riley would but she didn't seem to either.

    Riley was in alot of pain, so we sat on the sofa and cuddled in front of the t.v.

    At about 1 am, Riley was in so much pain tears started to stream down her face. It was horrible to see her in so much pain- I wanted to take it away from her.

    I helped her into the car and put all the hospital bags in the back. We drove to the hospital. I could hear Riley heavily panting next to me, she kept grabbing my leg and the chair as  contractions passed, each one stronger than the last.

   When we arrived a nurse came out to greet us. She had brought a wheelchair so I could help Riley. She seemed in too much pain to walk.

     We registered at the front desk and were shown to our room. It was quite basic, but at least Riley had somewhere safe to rest.

Riley pov:

    It was 3 am and the Contractions were coming on thick and fast. Each one brought more pain but also one step closer to meeting my baby.

    The midwife came in and checked how far along I was. I was 8 cm dilated, which surprised me as I thought I was really early on in labour. That meant I was only a few hours away from meeting my new little human, one which I had made in my own body for 9 months. The moment I had pictured in my head for all those months was hopefully going to come true.

    The doctor came and asked if I wanted any drugs to manage the pain. I thought I was strong, but my body wasn't coping and I needed relief. He gave me an epidural which was uncomfortable but not as bad as the contractions I was experiencing. The pain slowly dissapered until I was laying in bed with only the pressure to deal with.

   James had fallen asleep in the chair so I decided to try and get some sleep. It was 4 am and I needed strength that day.

    At about 5am I was woken up by the midwife. She told me that I was 10 cm dilated and it was soon time to push. She woke James and he fell on the floor in shock. He ran over to me and grabbed my hand.

   "You can do this, Riley. I'll be here no matter what. Are you ready to meet your baby?" He said.

    " I think so." I said, nervously.

    "Ready and push!"and nurse said.

   I gripped James' hand and pushed as hard as I could as the nurse counted down from 10.

  "And again, ready?"the nurse repeated.

   I pushed again for 10 counts. And again. And again. And again.

        I was so exhausted. James gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

   "You can do this Riley. You're almost there. I can see the head!"James whispered.

    "And one more time Riley.Push!"

    And then then, suddenly, the dimly lit hospital room was filled with the sound of a high pitched cry.

     "You've done it Riley."James whispered, tears streaming down his face with pride.

    "And it's a girl! Congratulations!" The midwife said.

James pov:
   I couldn't believe it. I had a daughter. I was so proud of Riley, she did amazing.

     "Any ideas on names?" The midwife asked.

    "Well." Riley said looking at me. We both nodded in unison.

    "We were thinking Zara,  because it means radiant and that is what she is."

    Please vote and comment what you think! I hope you guys like these xxx



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