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Riley pov:
   It was the day where me and James were going on our first date. I told him if he passed his Math test then I would go on a date with him, he got a B+! When I found out, it made me so proud of him, but also made me feel sick at the realisation that I had to now go on my first ever date. It was scary, but also exciting.

    My mom was very protective. She didn't like the idea of her little girl going on date's. Emily, being my older sister, was seen as mature and, therefore, she was allowed to date when she was my age. I had to tell mom about my date with James because I needed someone to drive me, and she was my mom, I needed to tell her. It was just nerve wracking, your mom knowing you're interested in boys. I was nervous incase she said no - what would I tell James?

     I plucked up the courage and went to make us drink, to help ease her into the conversation. She loved her coffee, so I thought it'd sweeten her up a little.

   "Hi mom." I said, handing her the fresh, aromatic coffee."can we talk?"

   "Of course honey, come sit next to me on the couch."she replied. My heart was fluttering with nerves.

   "I have a date" I blurted out. "With James."

       "Really? Riley you're too young to date, you're only 15." She said. My mom couldn't accept that I was growing up, and I needed to . This was exactly what I'd feared would happen.

   "But mum!" I pleaded.

   Then, to my relief, Emily walked into the room and asked what all the commotion was about. I told Emily that James had asked me out (although it was kind of me asking him) and that he wanted to take me on a date tonight and I had agreed.  She looked like she was about to well up with tears.

  "Oh my gosh, my baby sister! You're growing up so fast! Mom, do you want me to to drive her? I know you aren't comfortable with her dating yet, but you should see them two together, they are so perfect for eachother." Emily said.

  "Please Mom, he'd be so upset if I couldn't go tonight. In a relationship it isn't just you,  it's both of us. And I really don't want to let him down. He is so caring and lovely and I just want to go out with him, can't you see that?  I love you Mom but I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm almost 16 and this is a decision I have to make for myself. Please?" I pleaded.

   Mom sighed a big, heaving sigh. She sat there for a few seconds, deep in thought. Every milli second I had to wait for an awnser felt like eternity.

  "I suppose if Emily thinks it is ok then it is. But no later than 9:30pm back here, and you're not going to his house tonight, have you heard me?" She commanded.

    "Ok mom." I agreed. "Now Emily, please help me choose what to wear!"

"Nothing slutty, Riles."she shouted up the stairs.

   "Mom!" I shouted back.

   Emily dropped me off at the studio and gave me hug.

   "You've got this Riley. And I know it wasn't James who did the asking out. I'm so proud of you. You gave him the motivation to pass his math exam and you helped him stay at the studio. You stayed by him even when he doubted himself, and it showed how much you have matured in the last few months. Now go and see James, you deserve this. Have fun!" She told me. It felt so amazing that she believed in me and that she was proud of me, it was all I'd ever wanted.

  I was wearing a flowing floral dress, not slutty like mum had forbidden. Slutty wasn't me, and I was pretty sure the slutty look wasn't what James liked. He liked me how I was, and that meant so much to me.

    As I walked into Studio A, I was taken aback by what it now looked like. It had been transformed from a sweaty room with a eerie chicken on the wall to something really special.  There was fairy lights everywhere and a table set up with a tablecloth and two seats. And there, sat on one of the chairs was James.

   "Wow James. This is incredible. Convincing my mom to let me come out to see you was so worth it." I exclaimed.

  He stood there gobsmacked,  staring at me.

  "Ri,Riley, you look incredible." He stuttered.

  "So you aren't into the slutty look then?" I joked.

"What do you take me for?" He laughed "I know I was a player before, but trust me I've changed. And ever since I came to the studio, you were the one I always had a big crush on. When you suggested this, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'm in love with you Riley."

   I felt like my heart was going to explode with joy. It made me so happy hearing those words. He was in love with me.









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