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   Riley pov:
   It was a Sunday morning. I had a gynaecologist appointment at 12:20pm.
    A quick update: I was pregnant. Yes me and James should have been more careful bla bla,but this baby will be so loved, no matter what. And yes,we decided we were going to keep it. I was 19, so it wasn't even a big deal . I've been legal for 4 years now and I am an adult, so it is my choice. James still hasn't proposed, but we still had our promise rings still and our relationship couldn't have been any stronger.

   James drove me and my little miracle to the Doctors office. We parked and walked in together, side by side, hands clasped.

     We signed in and the lady sent us to the waiting room. It smelt of disinfectant, which made me gag almost to the point of throwing up. Actually,  I still had a lingering taste of sick in my mouth from the dreaded morning sickness I unluckily had experienced.

      "Riley?" A Lady who had just emerged from the examination room called.

     I pushed myself up off the chair and James guided me up with a gentle grip on my arm. The bump was getting heavy now and moving about was becoming increasingly difficult. James followed me into the room and we sat down in the cushions seats, which felt nice as my back was aching a little.

     "So mummy, let's have a little look at baby shall we?"said the gynaecologist.

     I laid back on the bed and the man squirted some cold gel on my stomach,which made jump at the temperature of it. He gently placed the ultrasound wand on my bump and moved it around until an image gradually emerged on the screen.

    "We were originally worried when we found out we were having a baby as we didn't think we could feed one more mouth, but now with my job, I think we can finally managed."said James.

    "Mouths, Sir. Plural." replied the doctor.

    "What do you mean?" James questioned.

    "I don't know really how to say this, but, well... You're having quadtruplets!  Congratulations!"

    We sat there in utter shock, not believing what the Doctor had just said. 4 babies. 4. Like,four little people running around! We thought we coukd manage with one but four!

   "Are you sure?" I stuttered."How is that possible?"

    "Yes,four. But we can get you financial support. The babies will have to be born via C-section.  Everything is your choice. If you want some can be put up for adoption. It is your choice entirely.

    Suddenly, a surge of unease ran through me. I looked around and panicked looking for a bucket. Then I grabbed the nearest thing I could; James' hat. And then out roared the next lot of morning sickness.
   "Sorry James" I said, apoligetically.



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