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James pov:
Me and the lads were going for a cheeky nandos! Riley asked if I wanted to hang out but I'd already comitted to the boys. I would have invited her but she finds our 'boy habits' disgusting. I personally think I'm nice and tidy where as I do agree West and Eldon are quite sloppy and gross at times!

    Nandos was packed as it was a Friday night. The smell of barbecue wafted through the air and up my nostrils, making my mouth drool a little. The loud music boomed in my head and the atmosphere was alive.

      The waiter took us to a table and we sat down in the booth.The waiter took our order and went off,leaving us to chat.

Riley pov:
   I knew James was going to Nandos.Since the whole James+beth and me+alfie situation,we promised to never keep secrets from eachother again. I called Emily, amanda and giselle (who had just come back from her worldwide dance tour- I know, how exciting! )and asked if they want to go to Nandos,even though I don't eat meat. They do a tasty vegetable stir fry burrito though.

      We arrived in the resturant and asked the waiter to sit us in a booth in direct view of james'. I wanted to keep an eye on him.I didn't want to get hurt again and I wanted this relationship more than anything. Also,it would just be nice to get out with the girls rather than being stuck at home,alone on a Friday night.

    West got up to go to the bathroom. He spotted us and blushed at the sight of Emily who he had not seen in months. He has had a crush on her since nationals, although he said he wanted to keep it as a friendship. He slid into the booth,squishing me against the partitioning wall divider,and started'flirting'with emily.His choice of words were questionable to say the least!

     James came over to find out what all the commotion was about. When he saw me,his face went blank. He wasn't expecting to see me there.

     Suddenly out of nowhere a todler came running out and james jumped to avoid collision but ,almost like a domino effect,he hit into the waiter.With a loud clatter ,the cutlery and glasses smashed to the floor, spraying shards of glass everywhere. The floor became slippy, and suddenly James is falling, flapping his arms out in desperation trying to find something to grab onto . For a moment, maybe only in my head, but everything went into slow motion. People's facial expressions transitioned slowly, people reaching out their arms in attempt to catch james before he reaches the ground,glasses flying through the air. Then , everything is back into reality and James is on the floor,clutching his arm and screaming for help. He landed on his arm and the glass had cut him. Blood was oozing out of the deep,open wound showing on his arm. He was in agony and I felt powerless in the moment.

     "911"someones voice called"it's nandos,someone's been injured,theres glass and blood and screaming.Please come quick"

    And within all the panic ,the pain became to too much to bare,and he went unconcious,or fainted or something.

*in the hospital*

Riley pov:
    James was in the x-ray room,getting an x-ray for his arm. The nurse has gently removed as much splintered glass as she could,although she believed there was more she couldn't get out at the time with the equipment avaliable.

     I could just hear James' screams of pain echoing through my head.He didn't deserve this. Guilt burned through me and it felt like an actual fire in my chest,a burning,scolding flame.

      James came out a few minutes later, complete with a bandaged arm.He had broken his left arm just by the elbow.The glass had damaged his arm too . I felt like it was all my fault.

     After about 20 minutes of waiting in the chlostrophobic, smelly, unsanitary waiting room,James was called in to have his arm put into a cast.  I went in with him and sat patiently while he had strips of fabric soaked in plaster of Paris draped over his arm. He winced each time the material touched his skin. Luckily they manged to get out all of the glass and he only had to have a local anesthetic rather than a full anesthetic which meant he was able to come home that day.

      I felt so unbearably guilty still and I couldn't stand it.

       "James,are you mad at me? " I asked him.

      "No? Why would you think that? I thought it'd be the other way round,since I ditched you." He said confused.

     "It just, I ruined your boys day by stalking you and your friends. I thought I'd check I can trust you, and I know after all the Alfie stuff you don't fully trust me. I just feel so guilty for what happened to your arm.It must be so painful and it's all my fault. "

   "No, Riley,it isn't your fault. I got distracted and it was an accident,an unfortunate list of events that somehow caused me to end up with a broken arm. You didn't do anything wrong, so stop worrying your little head about it."

       My chest stopped feeling so tight with fear and I visibly relaxed. I thought nothing could ever be the same after me and alfie, even though I longed for it to be.

        Me and James, James and me.I wanted us to be happy and this shows that,even after everything, he doesn't blame me. He realised how Alfie was,and realised, like with the Beth situation, the other person was forced into it and staying with them felt like the only option after rejection.

    I helped james cope for the next 6 weeks with only one arm in use. Slowly, his arm began to heal. The physiotherapist helped him get his strength back and soon enough he returned to a-troupe. I was just so glad he didn't blame me for what had happened. We were back,oh yeah..


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