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Riley pov:

    I was getting really fed up with James. Every time I asked if he wanted to meet up outside of dance, he kept dismissing it because him and the boys were playing on the xbox. Boys are so typical.

    I called Emily to come to my room as I wanted her advice.

    "Hi em. Do you have any advice for when boys ditch you to spend time with their friends." I asked.

   "Is something going on with James?" She replied, worried." Riley, tell me if something is going on because I can talk to him and sort this out."

   "No Em. It's just he has been spending a lot of time playing on his video games with the boys,  it feels like he has forgotten about me - like he doesn't care anymore." I sighed heavily, feeling tears emerge.

    "Riley, we need to get this sorted. How about we play a little prank on him and the boys? Give them a taste of their own medicine?"Emily whispered. She was always good at scheming, getting justice in any given situation.

    "Sure, so what have you got in mind?" I asked her, intrigued of what she had planned.

James pov:
    Riley was so clingy. She barely let me have any time to just hang out with my boys. I kept getting texts from her, many texts.
    The texts stopped coming. It made me a bit worried that I had maybe taken the time away from her a bit too far. It made me feel guilty, thinking about the times I'd dismissed her texts like they were from an annoying classmate asking to copy my homework. Riley was different, and I'd treated her like rubbish.

Emily pov:
     I had a plan for James. He was mistreating my little sister and he was going to pay for it.

    I had called debra and told her about how he was mistreating Riley and she agreed to help us in our plan.

    We decided when james was at home, we would turn off the power, and bring in some flickering lights and loud noises. It would be done at night so we could properly scare them and make them scream like little girls. And also, they wouldn't have their beloved xbox.

Riley pov:
    Debra, Emily and I had snuck into James' house and gone into the basement. It was night and pitch black outside.
      I grabbed the handle of the electricity box and pulled it down. I heard a scream from upstairs.

    "No, what happened! We were right in the middle of a game!" James screamed.

    I could hear footsteps coming downstairs and started to panic. We found some boxes to hide behind and we quickly ducked when we heard to door to basement open.

    James came down and turned the light on, cautiously climbing the steep steps. He seemed confused to why the box had 'turned itself off' but he shook that thought and put the electricity back on.

     Suddenly,  I felt my self toppling backwards. I crashed I to a box of old musical instruments and ended up on the floor, looking up at James.

James pov:

    I couldn't believe what I saw. When I heard the crash, I nearly jumped out of my skin in shock. Riley was laying down on the cold, cobbled floor of our basement. I look over and saw two other people crouching behind a stack of boxes. One was mom, the other was Emily.

    "Riley,what are you doing here?!" I shouted.

    Right there right then, she burst into tears. Her sobs echoed around the four stone walls and tears were streaming down her face. I felt so guilty it made my chest hurt with shame.

  I crouched down to her level and helped her up. I wrapped my arms around so tight so that she felt safe. I felt like I had ruined everything again, like I always do. I was so lost in my thoughts I almost forgot that Emily and Mom were in the room two.

   "James, I am very dissapointed with you. I had no idea that you and Riley weren't seeing eachother as much, when you went out to see the boys I thought you were seeing Riley."she exclaimed.

  "Mom listen. I wasn' purposely leaving her out. After being caught in the costume closet miss kate said to me that we might need to spend a bit of time apart or it'll affect our dancing and our team dynamics. Riley is the most amazing girl and I never meant to deliberately hurt her." I replied.

   Riley looked up at me, her eyes all red from crying. The guilt burnt through me, it was unbearable. I cupped her chin and kissed her softly. I didn't care my mom and her sister were watching. I needed to make things right, right there, right then.

    "Ooh lovebirds! So, did my plan work?" Emily asked.

   "What?" We said in unison. I was so confused,  is this how Emily had planned it to turn out. I vaguely remembered being pushed gently on one shoulder from behind when I fell I tk those boxes. She must of known what was going on with James, or knowing Emily, she found out from snooping.

   "This is what I'd planned,Ri. You know I like to know what's going on all the time, so I went and asked Miss kate if she knew what was going on with you guys and she told me everything. And I mean everything!"She replied. I felt my cheeks go crimson red and I was pretty sure I could see James' going red two.

Riley pov:
  It all made sense. Miss Kate had caught us a few weeks back and the team was getting a little annoyed that we were turning up late to rehearsals because of our 'schnanigans' in the costume closet. I just couldn't believe she had told James to spend time alone, without consulting me first.

    I decided to move on, despite the fact Miss Kate had done that, or that James didn't tell me either. I guess they didn't want to hurt my feelings.

  James and I agreed to keep our PDA less P, leave a bit more to the imagination at the studio, and definately no more steamy  makeout sessions in the costume closet.

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