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Riley pov:
    James brought home a llama! A LLAMA! Just why? We have our new flat and he brings home a smelly spitting creature that malts over every surface! I need to get James' mum to help me, if anyone can get rid of that creature, it's debra.

James pov:
   Somehow I really don't think Riley is too pleased with the whole Llama situation. She is just so adorable though! I thought a pet might be nice in our new flat! I guess something like a hamster might have been better but...I love llama's! They are so fluffy and cute and orange! I have a feeling though that my llama may be making a quick exit soon if Riley has anything to do with it! It will be bye bye fluffy.

Riley pov:
    I called debra and she is on her way over. James does not know it yet, but he is about to have a little talking to! He shouldn't have bought the llama without asking me first even if it was meant to be a surprise.
James pov:
So the llama went back to the breeder. As much as I love my mom,she scares me a little! She has her ways of making us do things, so the llama went and Riley and Mom laughed at bout how 'silly boys are'. Well at least Riley is happy now,and that is all that matters.

  Hope you guys liked it!Please vote add comment of you want to !
Lots of love,
    J xx
Ps:sorry for it being so short!!!

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