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   Riley pov:
   Rehearsals had ended and we had over run a little bit.James' car had broken down and his mum was unable to come pick us up because she was a yoga (typical debra).
      We thought of getting the bus but there was no more going at this time as it was quite late.Our only option was to walk,but when you live in Canada and it can get freezing cold,it's not the most appealing to walk out in skimpy dance clothing.I'd forgotten my jacket so I asked Miss Kate if I could borrow hers.She willingly abliged on one condition,that I wash it before tommorow as she is wearing it for a special event.I agreed to the conditions and wrapped up warm to walk home.

        We stepped out into the cold,bitter,November air and the hairs on my legs immediately stood up at the shock of the temperature. James jumped back inside for a second then,not wanting to wimp out when his girl friend who was wearing less warm clothes then him was standing outside,staring at him. James grabbed my hand,his were surprisingly warm considering the coldness of the air,and we started to walk home.

      We got to about 5 minutes away from my house when suddenly James tripped,pulling me down with him.

     "Sorry " he said apoligetically " I tripped over my shoelace."

       He got up and tried to help me up but as he pulled me,Miss Kate's jacket,which had somehow got caught on a dislodged concrete slab,had ripped!

    "James!"I screamed"The jacket,it's ripped!Miss Kate's jacket!"

James pov:
  In panic,after helping Riley up and savouring what we could of the jacket, I grabbed my phone and searched if there was anywhere that stocked this jacket.Surely somewhere would have a similar one right?

      I looked and looked and somehow no where had this jacket.She must have got it from a family member or something!What were we going to do?!

       We took the jacket into Riley house as I acted as a kind of jacket for the last few minutes of walking.

       We observed the damage and Riley went and grabbed the sewing tin.She tried her best to stitch the rip but it was fairly obvious something had happened.Riley stitches were neat but it looked out of place having a kind of seam there. We just hoped for the best that Miss Kate wouldn't notice.We gently hand washed it so at least we had done that . After that I was going to leave but Riley just said stay at hers and let my mom now as it was too cold to walk alone in the dark in November.

Riley pov:
  When we went into studio A,it sneakily put the jacket on miss Kate's chair then returned to see the others.

      We saw Miss Kate walk into her office and lift up the jacket.Her face dropped and I knew we were in for it.

      "Riley,James,my office,now!"She shouted as a hum of laughter descended on the room.

     Nervously,we walked into her office and I stood as close to James as I could.

      "What happened?"She questioned " I trusted you guys.

    "Miss Kate" I pleaded "I'm so sorry,but we were walking and suddenly James fell and I got pulled down either him.When we tried to get up the jacket had accidently got caught underneath a dislodged paving slab,and the jacket ripped a little bit.I tried to fix it back up,but obviously you noticed."

       "I'm not mad" she said "Just,why weren't you honest upfront with me?Never mind,off you guys go."

      "You don't want us to pay for a new one or anything?" I questioned.

       "No of course not"said Miss Kate "you tried to fix it and that's all that matters."
      Luckily we got away with it,all it was indeed an accident.
We then went and rehearsed.I will never forget to bring a jacket of my own again though.

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