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Riley pov:
The day had arrived. I couldn't believe that it had finally come. All the preparations the months the before had all come down to the next few days.

   Me and james were getting a lift from his mom to the studio. From there, we were getting a coach with the team to the theatre.

     We drove to the studio, cuddled up together,  with debra chatting non - stop at us. She is hard to handle sometimes! She was asking us about everything; including whether we were going to be sharing a hotel room. I mean, she doesn't  need to know everything that goes on in our personal lives, it is called personal life for a reason!

      After our 'lecture' had finished, and we had arrived at the studio, James and I got out of the car, complete with our enormous bags. In our defense, we had costumes aswell as normal clothes and shoes to bring with us.

   We said good bye to Debra and headed over to the coach where Miss Kate was waiting to check names off the list. She was obviously very anxious about the coming days as she was frantically checking her watch and searching through her bags to make sure everything was packed.

    "Hi Miss Kate, how you doing?" I questioned.

    "A little worried, but I'm good. How about you, Riley?" She replied.

     "I'm good, but also nervous! And very excited for this opportunity!" I replied.

    We were ticked off on the list and loaded on our cases (actually James did mine-such a gentleman). I climbed on first and found a double seat near the back.

    "Ew. Well I guess we know what Jiley will be doing the whole journey. Hey everyone, sit near the front. The back of the bus is the Jiley PDA area." Shouted out Eldon, rudely.

  "Hey dude" called James loudly "back off alright? Just cause you havn't got a girlfriend doesn't mean you can be mean to mine."

    I did feel flattered that James defended me, but I was a little embarrassed. Couldn't he have said it slightly quite?

      The E-girls sat near us to 'keep an eye on us' or whatever. Well if they want to they are welcome to. James and I weren't very intimate, but he kept trying to convince me. I was not particularly ready for a physical relationship, just yet anyway. Just because Eldon found us once in the costume closet have a little make out session(and he told everyone), people assume we will have our tongues down each other's throats the whole time.

    The journey passed quickly. I caught a glimpse of the venue for regionals and it took my breath away. It was huge! James gave my shoulders reassuring squeeze as he could feel me shaking.

James pov:
    "You got this Riley. We've got this. Don't even worry about it." I told her.

     She smiled at me, with her big brown eyes staring up at me. How could she be so beautiful?

    The coach pulled into the parking lot and we stepped off onto the concrete. Excitement buzzed through me. Riley placed her hand in mine and I gave hers a squeeze. Her skin was so soft, so delicate. I felt like I had a role to protect her. I know she is her own person and she can take care of herself, but Emily was so occupied with being dance captain and all that Riley needed someone she could confide in.
     "So guys, this is it! The next few days will be intense. I know though that our team can make it through anything. Now Emily, tell us the details you have for how the day will run " said Miss Kate.

Riley pov:
   "Right guys. So everyone stay in groups as we must make sure no one gets lost. We have a rehearsal slot at 2:45 pm in the main auditorium, so until then you have free time. You may leave the venue as we have wristbands to act as a pass. Please be back here by 2 o'clock as our slot is only 30 minutes and will be our only opportunity to practice onstage. Please stay safe everyone and nd don't hurt yourselves!"

   After my sisters speech, James and I, hand in hand, walked out if the venue. We had lunch in a cafe down the street. We both had chocolate milkshakes and ended up with milk moustaches which made us chuckle so loud I'm pretty sure the people on the table next to us had moved their chairs slightly and eaten faster so they could leave. The food was delicious. I had a cheese omelette and salad and James had fish and chips.

    After settling the bill, we walked along the seafront. The wind whipped my hair across my face, making it stick to my lip gloss. Even so, the sea looked beautiful under the dazzling sunlight. After about 20 minutes we headed back to the venue. Emily  texted me to remind me we needed to be back by 2 o'clock, not after. She was probably texting me as she knew James would forget(which he obviously did as he hadn't noticed how far we had actually walked away from the venue).
    The dance rehearsals were going great. Michelle and Eldon were marking their duet at the side so we all practiced the group routine together on stage. It was magnifcent.  It felt like we were unstoppable. I was so happy I had chosen to dance,  as it had always given me this feeling,this feeling that I could accomplish anything.

     We finished rehearsals around 3:15 pm. We were instructed to go back to our rooms, relax and have a early night, we were going to need it. James and I were in a room together:to everyone's delight. "Great, no Jiley noises disturbing our sleep tonight!" West commented.

    James and I weren't intimate like the others thought we were. Yes we had made out once, and unfortunately eldon had walked in when  things were getting a little more, let's say... progressive. James had his hand on my bum, and my outfit I guess left little to the imagination. We walked into the hotel room and the first thing I noticed was that there was only one bed, a double one. James and I looked at eachother, then at the bed.

   "We might aswell make the most of this privacy"James whispered.

   His puppy dog eyes are very hard to resist.

   "Ok." I replied" but nothing more than kissing ok. No hickeys like last time."
James pov:
  I jumped onto the bed like a toddler clambering onto a bouncy castle. Riley climbed on too and first she was tense but then relaxed into a cuddle. She turned her head towards me and suddenly our lips are connected. She sinks down onto the bed as I balance above her, keeping our lips attached. I lean into it and slowly slip in my tounge. She reciprocates and starts to try and flip me onto my back so she can take charge. She slips her hand up my shirt, tracing my abs with her fingers: Riley was never like this.

    The night ended with us cuddled up in bed, fully clothed may I say, exhausted from our heavy make out session.

    The next day, We got up and went down for breakfast.

  " I see Jiley have been at it again!" called out eldon, pointing obviously at my neck.

  "Shut up man" I replied.

    The team had an electric atmosphere this morning, unlike any I'd ever known. The excitement was bubbling. It was highly contagious.


     After breakfast, we had a team talk. The first round took place today. Male solos. [note:I can't remember the order of events. This is just a story about regionals and it is not meant to be exactly like the show, just my take on it] Eldon was ready, and the team was ready to cheer him on. If we didn't win this, we were going home.

   We took our seats in the audotorium. It all came down to this...

[Sorry it ends so abruptly. It would take me forever to write the whole thing]

  Please vote and comment what you think! I work really hard on these and I really hope you enjoy them!xxx



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