Chapter 20 Shopping!

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Riley's POV

"Yea Giselle!" I say clapping happily as Giselle finished her short solo. We are at the studio dancing for fun while James and Theo goofed off in Lost & Found. Lacey was in my arms smiling and clapping her hands. After Giselle had Lacey, she tried to dance as much as she could to maintain her abilities.

"Did you like it Lacey?" Giselle said in a silly voice trying to make her daughter laugh. Lacey giggled and looked up and me with her innocent blue eyes and smiled.

Giselle took Lacey and told me that it was my turn to dance. I started dancing to We Go. I know it was a old song but it was still James and my song. "Riley! You should be on A-Troupe!" Giselle exclaimed. "Thanks, I think" I say giggling.

Giselle and I were playing with Lacey when one of the A-troupe dancers came in. She looked like she had been crying.
"What's are you doing here Olivia?Rehearsals aren't till next week." I say confused. "Sorry Miss Riley, I forgot." She says and turns around to leave. "Wait!" I say. She stops. I walk up to her. "Why are you crying sweetie?" I ask carefully. "You wouldn't understand" she says harshly. "Olivia, don't speak to me like that and I could if you would tell me what's wrong." I say. "No, no one will understand." She says and walks away. (🤔Ooo)

I didn't try to stop her because she didn't want to talk and I wouldn't force her too. "That was weird." Giselle states. "Yea it was." I say. We continue playing with little Lacey until she gets whiney.

Giselle and I make our way to lost and found. We enter the rose room and see Theo playing the guitar and James on drums. They finish playing and walk over to us. "Lacey needs to take a nap so we have to go home." Giselle tells them. "Ok see you guys later" Theo says. I say goodbye to James and head out to the parking lot.

We arrive home and Giselle puts Lacey down and her and I talked for a really long time. "So, When are you guys going to have a Jiley baby?" She asks. As soon as I hear those words I wonder if I should tell her.

"The thing is Giselle, I was pregnant but during Internationals I miscarried." I tell her slowly. "Oh Riley, I had no idea. I'm so sorry." She says putting her hand on my arm. "It's fine" I say trying not to get teary eye.  "Riley, I'm here for you if you ever want to talk." She says. I give her a thankful smile. "I will talk to Theo about taking Lacey with us on our trip to New York." She says. "No, no she's fine, I would love to watch her." I say. "You sure?" "100%"

James' POV

I walk in the house after a long band session with Theo. It was great playing the drums again and with Theo on base it made it even more fun. I see the girls giggling while preparing supper. I am glad that Riley is back to her normal self. At least I think she is.

Theo and I are hanging outside just talking about random stuff. He asks about Internationals and my family and I ask him about his work and everyday life.    

Giselle calls us to come and eat dinner and we laughed entire time. We talked about old times and after dinner we played an intense game of cards.

I laid in bed waiting for Riley to finish getting ready for bed. She always takes forever while getting ready for bed. I haven't talked to my mum since the whole Pizza night. I decide to call her tomorrow to sort things out. Riley crawls into bed and snuggles up with me. Her head is on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. I start kissing her head then the side of her face until her lips connect with mine.

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