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Emma's dress/bridesmaids☝🏻 (not the people)

Riley's POV

"You look gorgeous Emma." I exclaim. "Thank you, but don't make me cry yet!" She says and we both laugh. "Riley's right you know." Emily says looking up from fixing Ellie's bow on her dress. "I am just going to check on Brooklyn." I tell them and they nod.

I run into James on my way. "You look so gorgeous." He says kissing me. "And you look so handsome." I say placing my hands on his chest. "I have to check on Brooklyn." I say and continue walking.

I come to my mum who is watching Nathen, Max and Brooklyn while the girls get ready. "Hey, is Brooklyn doing alright?" I ask my mum. "She's being an angel." She replies. I smile at my daughter in my mothers arms.

James' POV

After I run into Riley, I go back to Matt who is super nervous and if you know Matt, he is always cool and collective.

"James? We're your nervous on your wedding day?" He asks nervous. "Have you seen your sister?" I ask with a chuckle. He laughs and is less nervous. At least I did my job.

Emily's POV

"Ellie, Do you remember what I told you to do when you walk down?" I ask my daughter. "Yes mummy. I drop tiny flowers." She replies happily. "Good." I say and start helping Emma with final touches.

"Alright, let's get everyone in line except the bride and her father." The wedding planner says and I grab Ellie's hand and follow her along with all the other bridesmaids.

Hunter walks down first then Emma's two brothers, a high school friend named Chris, James and then Matty and my mum.

When it was the bridesmaids turn, Emma's Mother walked down first followed by Christy, (Emma's cousin), Lexi, (Emma's brothers wife), myself, Riley and Emma's sister which is her maid of honour.

Ellie and Lexi's daughter Megan walked down throwing flower petals like we rehearsed for. The big moment came when everyone stood up and Emma and her father slowly walked down the isle. Emma looked so beautiful in her dress. She didn't even need to wear makeup to make her look gorgeous.

Riley's POV

I watch my little brother say I do for the first time and hopefully the last time. It was bittersweet because he was a husband now and will have his own family to look out for. I knew that we would still have our connection even if he had a new girl in his life now.

Matty and Emma share a small kiss and walk down that isle as newlyweds. Emily grabs Hunter by the hand and runs down the isle as well. I copy her action and smile as I run down the isle with James.

We spend quite some time taking pictures. It was the bride and groom first, the bridal party second, the family members, the bridesmaids with the bride, groomsmen, parents and finally nieces and nephews. That's a lot of photos.

After the photo shoot Brooklyn started sucking on her fingers indicating that she was hungry. I excused myself and went in the room that we used to get ready this morning. I put a blanket over me but mostly Brooklyn incase anyone came in and I was right. A few people peeked in here looking for the bathroom. James came in too but he only wanted to check on me. I didn't really want to leave my spot. I knew it was going to be loud and I didn't want Brooklyn to fuss but I had to eat. Actually I wanted to eat. I was starving.

After Brooklyn was done I handed her to James and he lead me to our table. My food was already there when I came back and a glass of ice water with mint.

Brooklyn started to get fussy as I knew she would, I took her from James and laid her on my chest with a blanket covering her. I loved these little cuddle moments where Brooklyn wants me and no one else. Even if it is in the middle of a wedding.

She soon fell asleep but i continued holding her. I finished my dinner with only one arm and hand. Not that I needed two but it made it a challenge to cut the meat. James on the other hand was busy chatting with one of Matty's high school buddy's.

I listened to all the speeches made about Matty and Emma. Some of them quite funny and embarrassing. When it was my turn to speak I handed Brooklyn to James and she was not happy about leaving her mum. I grab the microphone while I'm still watching my daughter cry.

"Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying this lovey wedding as much as I am. I have a few things to say about this lovey couple." I say. "Matty, what can I say, you have been there for me for my entire life since you've been born. I watched you grow into a handsome young man and loved every minute of it. From the tea party's we had together and when you broke my favorite doll because of a dare." I add and some people laugh. "Emma, 2 years ago I meet you for the first time and instantly loved you from the start. I knew that you were the one that will make my brother happy for the rest of his life. Emma, you put others first and love serving and helping others just so you can bring a smile to their face. From Matty's mischievous ways to your tender heart, you guys make the perfect couple and I'm sure that everyone that came here today to watch you make a promise to each other will agree with me. I love you both very much and can't wait to see what your future will hold." I say letting some tears fall. Matty came up and hugged me tightly. "I love you Ri." He says. I could tell he was trying to hold back some tears. Emma came over as well and whispered "I told you not to make me cry." She giggles while crying happy tears.

The reception ended close to midnight and Brooklyn fell asleep but Emily was not so lucky. I could tell that Ellie and Nathen had her patience running thin.

The groomsmen helped clean up the place after the guests left. James, Brooklyn and I left around 1am. I was very tired but Brooklyn thought it be a good time to eat. It was going to be a long night.

1 Year Later

"Happy birthday Brookie!" I say and tickle my one year old daughter. She laughs and laughs until I stop. I get her dressed for her birthday party before the guests come and put a bow in her wavy dark brown hair and let her run off to play. 

I smile at my daughter who was playing  when James comes up behind me. "Yo babe" he says kissing my cheek. "Hi to you too." I say turning around so I face him. "The guests will be here soon. Are you sure you want to tell them now?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yea everyone will be here." I explain and he agrees.

A couple hours later, When Brooklyn was finished opening her gifts we decide to tell them.

Emily's family is here along with Piper and her boyfriend, Debra, my parents, Emma and Matty, Michelle and Eldon with Maddie, Amanda with her child and Olivia. She flew in to meet Brooklyn for the second time.

I gather everyone around and James pulls me into a side hug and we shout "We're having another baby!"

I don't know about you but I thought that was a perfect way to end this book. Plus Riley and Matty are sibling goals. Ha

Guys, where do I start.... Thank you so much for the love and support that you gave me while writing this. I can't believe it has only been a couple of months and this book has almost reached 10k and 800 votes.

Thank you for all the comments and suggestions for names and stuff. I loved writing this book and I know you all enjoyed reading it if you made it this far with me! I also want to thank you guys for your patience while waiting for the book to be updated. I'm truly grateful to you all.

P.S if you haven't all ready, check out my new book called Trittany: Finding each other.

Xoxo JileyisForever15

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