Darkness Rising pt 4

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An evil, maniacal laugh echoed around me in the darkness. I couldn't tell where I was, or what time it was, or anything. All I knew of was that laughing. It vibrates my ears painfully, the black making me turn, following the laughing closely.

"So, you think you can best me, Optimus Prime!?" An evil voice shouted in the distance.

I narrowed my eyes towards it, seeing a slight circle of light in the dark. I ran for it, the circle becoming larger the closer I got. But then I started to make out the forms in the light.

Optimus Prime was on his hands and knees, shaking strongly as he pulled himself from the mud. Approaching him was a tall, dark, gray figure who radiated with purple. He stalked over, laying a roundhouse kick to Optimus' face, sending him flying towards me.

"Optimus!" I shouted as he landed, his body weakly attempting to brace his fall.

"C.....Cara..." The deep baritone was soft, groaning, enhanced with static. It was no longer the strong voice I loved so much. "L-leave....."

"I don't want too leave you," I begged, laying a hand on his cheek. A quick glance over my shoulder, and I saw the dark figure walking towards us. I flinched when I saw its red eyes, full of hate and conquest. "C'mon, Optimus, get up," I begged.

"I... I can't,..."

"Please, don't give up...."

"Yes, Prime," it snarled, looking at the two of us. "Don't give up. I want to prolong this adventure for as long as I can," it grabbed a hold of Optimus' ankle, swinging him away from me.

"Optimus, NO!!"



I was sitting straight up, breathing heavily from my position on the shelf. Looking around, I was alone, and on base. I shook my head, hearing the faint hum of the ground bridge opening.

"Optimus," I smiled, climbing from my post. I charged to the hangar, still drowsy from my sleep, but pushing it aside as I ran for the familiar footsteps.

When I arrived, Optimus was welding what seemed to be a brace onto Ratchet's arm. Taking a closer look, the both seemed beat up, tired. They had scratches and claw marks all up and down their bodies. Optimus rose and return the tool he was using somewhere in Ratchet's med room. I followed him, hearing the voices of the kids and Ratchet talking, but not hearing the words.

"Are you alright?" I asked, coming to a halt at his feet.

He looked down at me, his lips upturned slightly. "I, am fine." He assured me.

"Zombies!?" Miko shouted.

I turned to her as Optimus walked past me. The three kids were standing around a familiar figure who was lying in a hospital bed. What the hell happened here? How long was I asleep...

"Bulkhead," Optimus called as I made my way to the stairs. "You exercised extremely poor judgment to allow the humans to accompany you."

"I know, Optimus, it won't happen again." Bulkhead bowed his head slightly.

"But it wasn't his fault!" Miko protested.


"And, check it out," Miko pulled her phone out of her pocket, raising it to Optimus.

"Hmm, Ratchet,"

Ratchet looked closely at the picture, confusion written across his face. "I, do not understand,"

"Whoops!" Miko looked at the camera. "That was one of the cons... At least, before Bulkhead rearranged his fenders!"

"Miko, Raf was almost killed." Jack shouted. I watched the three carefully. "This isn't a game, when are you going to get that through your thick skull!?"

"Uh, Jack, we all were almost killed. The bots included."

Jack looked at Optimus. "Well, if this is just another day with the Autobots, I'm not sure I want to be a part of it."

"Jack, putting you In harm's way was never our intent. However, it is no longer just your safety I am concerned about, but your world. We, will respect your decision if you wish to leave."

The ground bridge opened, and we all turned to see Ratchet pointing. "No sense in long good byes, here's the door,"

Optimus disappeared into the halls again. As much as I wanted to reach out to Jack, I wanted to make sure Optimus was okay.

I sprinted down the stairs, shoving past Jack as he descended. Optimus' footsteps were heavy but true.


He paused, turning to greet my slowly approaching figure.

"Carabelle," he acknowledged as I came to a stop in front of him.

"I thought I told you to stop that," I mockingly shot him a disapproving glare.

He chuckled slightly, kneeling down and offering me his hand. I happily climbed in, taking a seat in his palm. "My apologies, Cara," his voice vibrating through my body.

"Are you, alright?" I asked softly, gazing up at his eyes.

He didn't say anything for a while, and when he did, it was in a light tone. Happy.

"Shall we get you some sleep?" He offered with a smile.

"Id say yes but I just woke up," and, of course, I yawned.

He eyed me carefully, kneeling to set me on the ground. "Cara, will you recharge in my sleeper tonight?" He asked, almost pleadingly.

I giggled, nodding. I watched as his large form folded into himself, the big rig sitting proudly, the door open and waiting for me. I climbed in, making my way to the back. There was a thick warm blanket sitting on a thin mattress in a corner. I kicked my shoes off, climbing into the warm, cuddly bed.

It seemed to fold underneath my, curving to meet my form more. I smiled, tucking a pillow underneath my head. "Goodnight, Optimus,"

"Goodnight, Cara."

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