One Shall Fall

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Disclosure : I do not own Transformers Prime, it's characters, the storyline, or anything of the sort. I am simply borrowing it to place a piece of my mind in it. I only own my OC, and I will, in a sense, carry the one. I give full credit to those who have created this wonderful series, and Hasbro. Read and Review my loves!

-- Lizzzard


"And it was written in the covenant of Primus, that when the 47 spheres align, a perpetual conflict with culminate, upon a world forged from chaos. The weak shall perish in a shadow of a rising darkness."

"No skies raining fire?" Arcee asked sarcastically as Optimus carefully monitored the earth for any signs of decepticon activity.

"It goes without saying," Ratchet interjected. "It is a doom prophecy after all."

"I say its a load of hooey," Bulkhead laughed, shaking off the other's looks.

"I always thought that the ancient ones were referring to our planet. But... Being that Cybertron has been dark for eons..."

"And," Optimus rumbled next, optics not leaving the screen. "Considering what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here..."

"Woah woah woah," I called, leaning forward over the railing, my burger left forgotten in its spot. "You've known about these superstitions for ages and never spoke of them before..."

"Why now?" Arcee finished for me, all of us turning to Optimus.

"Because the planetary alignment to which the prophecy refers is nearly upon us."

"And it would seem it's end point is Earth," Ratchet finished, my eyes turning to the screen.

"Uh..." Bulkhead shook his head, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Crazy coincidence, right?"

"How long are we talking?" Arcee asked, serious now.

"A few days," Ratchet turned. "At most."

"However unsettling this revelation may be, I am more concerned worth those who might believe that the prophecy speaks to them alone,"

"Megatron," I muttered, looking at Optimus, who confirmed my suspicion with a single nod of his head. I jumped off the catwalk and into his servo which had already began to move for me. He raised me to his shoulder which I climbed on great fully. "If he does think its for him, what will he do?"

Ratchet scoffed. "Use your imagination."


"Uh, hold!" Jack called to Raf, who was scrolling through websites on his laptop. "Camera sure loves Bee,"

"What can you do?" Miko laughed, falling back into the couch. "When you're a superstar, you're paparazzi bait."

"Wait," Ratchet called, looking up from his more recent projects. "Is that Bumblebee?"

"On a conspiracy website." Raf nodded, turning the screen towards the mech. "Where people post evidence of 'close encounters.' But, we have it under control, Ratchet," he readjusted his glasses as I watched from my usual perch on Optimus' shoulder. He hasn't budged, and I wasn't about to leave him. "We just scrub Bee.. And replace him with..."

"Marscat says : take me to your feeder."

Ratchet laughed, before turning away from the teenagers' gawking looks.

"Ratchet actually laughed??" Miko asked the others, Ratchet looking away embarrassingly.

Jack thought for a moment before turning to Optimus with a grin. "Hey, Optimus. You... Wanna see something funny?"

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