Darkness Rising pt 5

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It wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

Optimus had just taken me out for a drive, that was all. Things had for heated back at base, so we took a breather. We were doing just fine...

That is, until an explosion rattled his frame, sending him swerving, spinning, almost flipping.

He moaned in pain, before transforming around me. He set me on the ground below him, looking to the sky. I followed his gaze seeing five planes. They slowed to a landing, circling Optimus with their weapons drawn.

"Surrender," one of them ordered, aiming their weapon at his feet, at me. "Maybe Lord Megatron will consider mercy if you do."

"Or maybe I won't," the same evil voice from my dream earlier responded.

Another plan shattered, landing before Optimus with a snarl plastered across his face.

"Megatron," Optimus boomed. "Your quarrel is with me. Let the girl return to base!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Megatron shifted his arm so his canon was lined straight at me. "Because now, you can do anything I wish to or she will perish."

"What do you want Megatron?" Optimus' eyes flashed to mine for a second.

The warlord stepped forward, gazing Optimus down. "Total surrender," with that, he grabbed hold of Optimus' arms, shoving his first to his face. He went limp, eyes darkening. The decepticon grinned maniacally, a ground bridge opening. He dragged the bots lifeless form toward it.

"No! Please, stop!" I chased after them.

One of the others flicked me back. I somersaulted in the air, landing on my right arm with a definitive crunch. Blinding hot pain shot through my arm, which I did my best to ignore. I watched as my guardian's form retreated, lifelessly, through the bridge, the deceptions following. It closed moments after they left.




A loud thud and a sharp pain in my right arm woke me. I sat up, leaning against the sleeper I had laid claim to not to long ago.


Optimus' frantic voice came through the radio. I looked around, remembering that I was inside of his cab, safe. He was safe.

"I'm sorry," I rubbed my arm, willing the pain to go away. "I'm... Fine."


Immediately, the truck shattered around me, bringing me back to the memory of my dream. I shuddered slightly as I leaned into Optimus' hand as he walked to his medic.

"These are the engineering specs for a space time vortex generator."

"Megatron's building a space bridge."


I was settled lightly on Optimus' right shoulder. Bulkhead and Bumblebee were watching over Ratchet's shoulder as he worked on locating the space bridge. Miko stood at Bulkheads feet, Raf not too far away.

"Optimus," Ratchet called turning towards us. "I have located the space bridge, high in earth's orbit."

"Out of our reach..." Optimus bowed his head. I laid a gentle hand on his cheek, smiling as his eyes darted to meet mine.

"Okay," Miko started. "So, I know you guys can't fly. But, can't you just ground bridge there?"

"A ground bridge has limited range," Ratchet explained just as I was about to back the idea. "Stretched into orbit, it's vortex would snap, and scatter us to the stars."

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