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Disclosure : I do not own Transformers Prime, it's characters, the storyline, or anything of the sort. I am simply borrowing it to place a piece of my mind in it. I only own my OC, and I will, in a sense, carry the one. I give full credit to those who have created this wonderful series, and Hasbro. Read and Review my loves!

-- Lizzzard


Optimus dodged another punch from the blood red con, myself thrown against his helm, hitting it hard.

"Cara!" He called worriedly as my head pounded.

"I'm fine," I choked out, forcing back the tears.

"Ratchet!" He called through the comm. "Decepticon ambush. The cylinder is at risk, and Cara is injured. We require backup."

"Backup is what I'm built for," I heard Bulkhead rumble, pounding his fists together.

Not too long after that, the ground bridge opened, and Bulkhead pounded through. He headed straight for the vehicons overpowering Bumblebee and traveling towards the cylinder. Arcee had Breakdown cornered, Optimus still battling the red con before us.

The ground bridge sizzled again, and I turned to see the last person I wanted to see walk through.


I groaned. "Optimus, let me down." Miko backed away, the vehicon Bulk battled falling down atop her. "Miko, RUN!"

Optimus then turned to see the girl dart away as the con crashed to the ground. He deflected another kick from Knockout, sending a full punch at the con. He fell backwards, Optimus lifting a hand to me the next second. He lowered me down and I jumped off as he rose to his full height, rolling his shoulders as he glared dangerously at Knockout before charging him.

"Miko!" I shouted once I crouched next to her, helping her off the ground. "What the hell are you doing?"

I pulled her behind a rock. On one side, Bee was struggling against a vehicon. On the other, Optimus destroying Knockout. I grinned, watching as the con fell back once again after Optimus delivered an elbow to the face.

"Autobots," he commanded next, his voice booming. "Stand your ground. The artifact cannot fall into enemy hands."

Arcee booked it for the cylinder lying on the ground not ten feet from us. Knockout ran towards her, tackling the much smaller bot to the ground before transforming, engines revving towards the same cylinder.

"Come to papa," he sneered running towards it.

I charged in front of it, pulling my pistol off my hip. Cock, safety, aim, FIRE!

The con groaned in pain, grabbing at his face as he halted in his tracks. He pulled his servos away, displaying the damage done. The metals just beneath his eye blown away, the energon shot eating away at it slowly.

"You disgusting flesh bag!" He hollered. "You dare fire on me!?"

He charged forward again. Without hesitation, I shot again, surprisingly remembering to aim. Another shot contacted the other side of his face, however he ignored it and contined to charge me.

"Cara!" I heard Optimus holler.

I took aim again, but before I could fire a green bot tackled the con, throwing him to the side.

Before anyone could react, Breakdown slammed his fists into the back of Bulk's head, grabbing his head and lifting him in the air.

"Say uncle!" He rumbled musingly. "Say it!!"

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