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You know that feeling you get when you're finally trusted with something, and you feel like you have the world at your fingertips?

That's what it felt like to be in front of the main screen as Ratchet and Optimus were working on Orion. Orion is what I named Optimus' human form. Ratchet had explained it to me, it's something like Arcee's hologram, only a shard of Optimus' spark was inside of it, giving him life, feeling, operation, all that kinds of things. So, Orion is Optimus and Optimus is Orion, but there is a difference.

But, do you also know that feeling of complete dread whenever something actually happens while you're doing something you have been trusted with?

Yeah, I was feeling that too.

"Optimus, Ratchet," I called, turning to the two of them. Optimus looked over, closing his chest plates exposing his spark to the doctor before they both headed towards me. "The scanners picked up a decepticon energy profile ; an ancient one."

"The past has a way of catching up with the present," Optimus called, narrowing his eyes at it.

I grinned at him. "Scouting time?" His optics narrowed in my direction, looking at me curiously. "Awe, c'mon! I discovered it, I should be allowed to scout it!"

He growled softly. "Do you not remember the last time you went against my wishes?"

I sulked back at that. It had only been a few days since Optimus rescued me from my hesitance to walk through the ground bridge. Any later and I'm sure Megatron would've found me again. "Yeah... I guess you're right."

"What if all of us came?" Arcee offered, appearing from the side, gesturing for Bulkhead and Bumblebee to follow. "Would you allow Cara to come then?"

Bee buzzed, giving an Optimus a pointed look.

Optimus sighed. "You're right, Bumblebee." he turned to me. "If you're coming on a scouting mission with us, you must be armed."

I gawked at him. "What?"

"Agent Fowler has provided us with weapons that you would be able to use," he rumbled to me, holding out a hand. "If you are to come with us and face a probable decepticon danger, you will not be unarmed."

I nodded, swallowing as Optimus headed down the hall.


Optimus rumbled to a stop in front of an evil looking ship that was hidden underground. He transformed, me landing in his hand gently. The Ratchet - enhanced .22 caliber pistol resting easily on my hip. We quietly entered the ship, Optimus resting me gently on his shoulder. Bumblebee and Arcee were in front, Optimus and Bulkhead not too far behind them. We came to a bend in the halls, when we heard an intake of air to the left.

"Airachnid!" Arcee gasped.

"Surrender," Optimus growled, his face mask slipping into place.

The con in front of us was very different than the other cons I had seen. She had a slim frame like Arcee, however she was more black with highlights of purple. Her eyes were a neon purple instead of a dark red, and the most defining feature ; she had four long legs springing from her back, like a spider.

She growled, transforming, two more legs appearing, reaching for the ground, scampering away.

"Airachnid, you traitor!" I heard a familiar voice growl out.

Arcee darted after the con without hesitation, Optimus following closely behind. I grabbed a hold of the pistons around me, tucking myself into his neck struts. There was the sound of drilling, and as we rounded a corner, there was a hole in the dirt in front of us. I could tell it would be too big for Optimus, but he charged for it anyways following Arcee. On the ground, I saw Starscream, from the tunnel, wrapped in some sticky crap following us with his wide, red optics. Arcee darted through the hole without stopping, Optimus kneeling to peer through it.

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