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C h a t N o i r

Alya did have a point. Why did I save her? Marinette was perfectly fine where she was. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I looked like I was asleep as I got lost in thought. Why did I save Marinette? She was well hidden and not in any real danger. She was in a roofed alleyway. She was safe from anything that could stab her like broken glass. I should've saved the people who were running for their lives.

"What if you're the next Akuma?" I hear Alya say. What if she was? But she's too nice, and kind and optimistic to get akumatized. The only way she could get akumatized is it she just, lost all hope.

"What if it's you again?" Marinette laughed.

"It might. Who knows how many times you could get akumatized." I didn't know, neither did Ladybug or Plagg.

"I think as long as your angry you can." She chuckled.

"Hey! You're changing the subject!" Alya yelled. I wanted to tell her to be quiet.

"I just said you could ask him the next time you see him."

"What if I never get close enough to ask?"

"Your Alya. You'll ride Nino if it means you get an interview." She was right. I chuckled which makes her flinch. I open my eyes and look up at her. She glared at me and I stick my tongue out. She rolls her eyes and smirks like she wants to laugh but doesn't. She plays with my hair more.

"Who are you with?"

"What're you talking about?"

"I definitely heard a guys laugh."

"I think we're losing connection," she quickly lied. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya Mari!" Alya chimed as Marinette hung up. I fixed myself to be facing her ceiling while I laid on her lap, well, kept my head on her lap. She glared at me with those gorgeous crystal electric blue eyes I could get-what. Only Ladybug can hold my heart.

"You weren't asleep and I thought you were you peeping tom."

"Peeping cat and I didn't say anything so you can't get mad." She glared at me more. Her eyes are pretty. Why isn't she liked this around Adrien me? So much spitfire.

"Well you heard her, answer her question next time you see her." I sighed and nodded. I looked at the time on my staff. I sat up, then stood up.

"Well, I have to go Princess," I bowed at her and she giggled. "Will I get the pleasure of seeing you tomorrow?" I asked, tilting my head up to her slightly as I kissed her knuckles. What am I doing. I do this with Ladybug, not Marinette.

She took her hand away from my lips as soon as they touched her hand. "Well, Chat, I think all that fighting has messed with your head."

"Why would you say that?" I crossed my eyes and she laughed.

"You're an idiot," she giggled and I smiled. Has her laugh always been that pretty? No, Ladybug. She's the only one you can love. "Maybe but you should get home. Wouldn't want a momma cat worrying for her kitten."

Mom? "My uhm." should I tell her or would she connect the dots to Adrien. I went it over in my head, forgetting everything.

"My what? Spit it out Chat before I kick you out of my room." She giggled and crossed her arms. I sighed, looked down, then up at her.

"My moms not around anymore," I sadly smiled. I saw the light in her eyes die out fast. No, she can't get sad that quick. "I-it's fine. Save you tomorrow!" I winked and jumped out her window, catching myself on my staff and catapulting to another building.

"Save me your butt!" Being the last thing I hear as the air around me blocks out her voice.

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