Chapter 2: Bad News

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Chapter 2

I took a deep breath, folding my hands behind my back as I stood next to my dad in the formal sitting room.

"I don't get why we have to do a whole big fuss for me to see my grandma." I sighed. "Like this is a private meeting, can't she just show up in her regular clothes."

My dad gave me a look. I quickly shut up.

I stood patiently and quietly until the door finally opened and the butler, Peter, walked in.

Peter was my favorite. He'd always let me do whatever I wanted when I was a kid and would escape the nanny.

"Queen Adeline Lockwood of Castello Island." Peter announced, holding open the door for my grandmother.

I politely curtsied as she walked in.

"Hello dear, we have some things to discuss." My grandmother told me with a smile. "Henry, if you don't mind."

"Absolutely." My dad nodded, giving me a smile before walking out of the room with Peter.

I was left completely alone with my grandmother.

"Let's go for a walk." My grandmother said softly, holding her cane tightly in my hand.

I nervously followed her out of the french doors to the back patio of the private garden.

"So tell me, how is school going?" My grandma asked as we slowly walked down the stone path.

"It's good." I nodded. "I'm getting As in all my classes." I told her with a smile.

"Of course you are." My grandmother grinned. "Your parents raised you right, darling."

I laughed. "With a lot of help from you." I replied with a smile.

When we got to the end of the path, I expected we'd turn around and go back up to the house, but my grandmother walked over to the bench underneath the apple tree.

"Come, sit." She said as she lowered herself down.

I tentatively took a seat next to her, extra aware of how I was sitting and behaving. My grandmother was always strict about how a princess should behave.

"Alright dear, I have some bad news." My grandmother said, seeming surprisingly out of breath for such a short walk.

I stayed silent, knowing that a girl should only speak when spoken to.

"In recent weeks, I haven't been feeling my best, and it turns out it's not a little cold like I'd expected." My grandmother said softly, her eyes meeting mine.

A frown crossed my face. I'd noticed that she was getting a little bit slower but I thought that was genuine old age.

"I've been diagnosed with breast cancer, darling." My grandma sighed.

My eyes widened. "No..." I whispered in shock.

A pain shot through my heart as I reached for my grandmother's hand. "Grandma..." I whispered, squeezing her hand.

"Honey, it's not going to be as bad as it was with your mother, I promise." My grandmother said softly, offering a watery smile. "I'm an old woman, I've reached my time and there's no point in prolonging my life if I'm going to be miserable. They caught it fairly early, but everyone who I've talked to agrees with me on what I'm about to discuss with you."

My heart jumped into my throat.

This was a conversation that I wasn't ready to have.

"This isn't something I expected to be talking to you about so soon, but I know you're ready for it. In about six or seven months, I'm not going to be here anymore." My grandmother sighed. "And this, all of this, is going to be yours." My grandmother told me, squeezing my hand.

I took a deep breath, slowly nodding.

"Now don't worry, hopefully you'll have time to finish high school. But after that, I'll want you to come straight back home, because we have a lot of things to finalize before that's over. Once you've graduated, I believe I'm going to step down and let you take over. Oh how I want to be at your coronation." My grandmother said with a fond look in her eye. "You look so much like your mother..."

I just nodded again, unsure what to say. 
Even if I did have something to say, I was too close to crying.

"Oh darling, put a smile on your face. I've lived a long, happy life filled with extravagant parties and traveling and my beautiful granddaughter." My grandma sighed, reaching to wipe away a tear. "And you should be happy, you get to be a Queen." My grandma winked.

"How long have you known?" I asked softly, remembering how everybody seemed to be treating me differently for the past month or so whenever I visited.

"Since July." My grandmother told me. "But it's getting closer now, and I wanted to have this discussion with you myself."

I slowly nodded, taking a deep breath.

"So... So like I'm actually going to be Queen?" I whispered, raising my eyebrows.

My grandmother nodded. "Alright, now let's get back up to the castle, it's time for lunch and I'm famished." My grandmother said, standing up.

"Do you need help?" I asked quickly, eager to assist.

"Don't be silly darling, I'm not dead yet." My grandmother laughed, swatting away my hand as she stood up with her cane.

I just nodded, slowly walking back up to the castle with her.


"So you're actually going to be queen." Jessica sighed, reaching for a handful of popcorn.

"How terrifying is this." I shook my head, not taking my eyes off of the movie.

"I'm going to be best friends with a queen, sick." Jessica teased, chewing on her popcorn.

"I'm going to be a queen." I sighed. "Holy crap I'm not ready for this."

"You'll be fine." Jessica laughed. "But now you've got to get with that guy from your English class. You've got 3 months tops before you're in charge of a damn country. Focus your time now on having fun and partying hard."

"Are you crazy? It's now more than ever that I have to be on my best behavior! Everyone's gonna be keeping an eye on me." I shook my head. "There's no way that I can get with a guy now." I shrugged.


"It's fine! I don't mind, honestly. I'll still be able to date when I'm queen, there's just gonna be a lot more riding on it and it's gonna be with handpicked people. It's fine. Besides, the guys here are ten thousand times hotter than those in California."

"That doesn't even make any sense." Jessica rolled her eyes. "Just stop being a tight ass and get laid."

I gasped. "No way!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening.

Jessica gave me a weird look. "What? It's not like we're 12." Jessica rolled her eyes. "People have sex, Scarlett."

"Yes but I'm going to be a Queen." I rolled my eyes. "I can't go around spreading my legs for whoever asks. I have to have some self respect." I laughed. "Queens aren't sluts, Jessica."

Jessica's smile instantly faded as her eyes filled with hurt.

"Well glad to know what you think of me." Jessica snapped, standing up harshly.

"What?" I frowned, giving her a weird look. I gasped. "No! Jess no I wasn't talking about you!" I exclaimed.

"No it's fine honestly. Just go on with your stupid little fantasy of how perfect the damn world is." Jessica snapped, taking the popcorn with her as she walked to the doors of my room. "I'm leaving."

"Jessica it's the middle of the night, don't be silly." I sighed.

She slammed the door as she walked out, leaving me in silence, the only sound coming from the movie.

"Dammit." I swore under my breath, turning off the television.

This had to be one of the worst trips I'd ever had to Castello...

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