Chapter 12: It's A Small World

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Chapter 12

"Hey Mrs. James." I said happily as she opened the front door for me.

"Scarlett! Hi!" She smiled, letting me inside. "Are you here to see OJ?"

"Yea, my dad dropped me off here, Oliver and I are supposed to spend the day together." I shrugged. "If that's okay with you..."

"Oh yea absolutely. Sundays are always pretty chill around here. Uh, it's a little bit early for OJ so I think he's still sleeping, but you can head on up if you'd like." Mrs. James smiled.

"Great, thanks." I told her, heading towards the stairs.

Humming softly to myself, I skipped down the hall towards Oliver's room.

"Good morning sleepy head." I grinned, pushing open the door.

A frown crossed my face when I noticed that he wasn't even there...

The bed covers were pushed back and the sheets wrinkled as if he'd just been there, but the room was empty.

I sighed, walking over to the bed anyways.

I kicked off my shoes and sat down, pulling out my phone to go on Twitter.

It was about two minutes until Oliver walked back into his room.

He stopped dead when he saw me, rubbing his messy hair while he squinted at me.

"Scarlett?" He asked sleepily, shutting the door behind him.

"Morning!" I laughed, giving him a smile. "Where were you?"

"Bathroom, why are you here?" Oliver asked, his voice thick with sleep as he laid down next to me.

"Because I had nothing better to do." I teased, my heart fluttering as Oliver rested his head on my stomach, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I missed you." He said softly, closing his eyes.

"I was gone for like a day." I laughed, patting the top of his head.

"It was your birthday." Oliver said quietly.

"Well then you can make it up to me today." I grinned, fondly looking down at him.

"For now just let me sleep." Oliver whispered, snuggling closer to me.

I laughed, resting my phone on the bed next to me as I scrolled through Twitter.

But when I got bored with that, I headed to Instagram.

I surprisingly hadn't been on since before the ball, and wondered what my friends had posted about the occasion.

The first post that I saw was one that Jessica posted, it was a transformation Tuesday sort of thing, even though it was Sunday. The top picture was of us at about two or three, laughter lighting up our faces. There was a little tiara on top of my head, and the two of us were dressed in fancy dresses, no doubt at an event at the castle. We were absolutely adorable. And the bottom picture was from last night, a candid picture of the moment that Jessica walked into the ballroom to the line of my family greeting guests.

We were both laughing, both of us looking absolutely magnificent in the elaborate dresses.

The caption was the best.

To the best friend I could ever ask for, happy 18th birthday. I know your life has been anything but normal, but you're probably one of the strongest people I've ever known. I could bore everyone with a super long, cheesy post about how much I love you, but you know how much I love you and I don't need to say it again. Happy 18th Scarlett!

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