Chapter 11: A Birthday Ball

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Chapter 11

"How excited are you?" Jessica asked with a grin.

"Tighter." I instructed to Mary, sucking in more.

"Darling, this isn't the 18th century, you're allowed to breathe." Mary laughed as she tightened the corset a little bit more.

"Okay that's good." I nodded, letting go of the bedpost.

"Gosh you're weird." Jessica shook her head. "It's not like your boyfriend is here to impress."

I rolled my eyes.

"Has he even called yet?" Jessica raised her eyebrows.

"He sent me a text before his football practice saying happy birthday and that he'd call me once he was done." I replied as Mary tied the strings on my corset. "It's ridiculous that I have to wear this thing." I sighed.

"No, it's ridiculous that you wear it so tight." Jessica gave me a look, sticking another bobby pin into her hair. Her hair was curled, with some of the front curls pulled back in some intricate design.

"Whatever." I mumbled. "Thanks." I added to Mary once she'd finished.

"Alright all we need to do is get you into a dress and-"

I gasped as my phone started ringing.

"It's him!" I said excitedly, dashing over to it.

"Hello?" I said happily, sitting down on my couch.

"Happy birthday!" Oliver said excitedly.

"Thanks!" I laughed. "How was practice?"

"Boring, which is why I don't usually go on Saturdays." Oliver shrugged. "How has your day been so far?"

"Uh let's see... I was woken up at the crack of dawn by my lovely best friend jumping up and down on my bed. And then I was woken up again at nine by her again to tell me to get in the shower. And I've spent the last two hours getting my hair and makeup done." I smiled.

"Sounds like a very girly morning." Oliver laughed.

"Oh most definitely." I nodded. "But hey, it's fun, I'm getting super excited for the party."

"Do you have to dress up all fancy?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Yea, it's formal attire." I sighed. "I'm not really in the mood for that today."

"Oooh send me a picture of your dress!" Oliver suggested.

"No way, it's ugly as hell." I laughed as Jessica brought the light pink ball gown out of the closet. "It looks like a princess threw up on it."

"I still want to see it." Oliver sighed.

"Nah..." I laughed. "What are you doing for the rest of the day?" I asked curiously.

"Sleeping. My mom and sister are doing like a girls day or something, it involves lots of spa stuff in my mom's bathroom so I'm staying as far away from that as possible." Oliver laughed.

"Oh darn, if I was home we could've done something." I sighed.

"But hey you're having fun at a party!" Oliver said happily. "Will you be able to use your phone?"

I immediately thought of how my grandmother would act if I was texting in the middle of a ball dedicated to me.

I let out a laugh. "Unfortunately no, I'll try to sneak away every once in a while but I doubt that will be possible." I sighed. "But we can FaceTime tonight?" I suggested.

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